

I find it crazy that I get deducted for not trusting people. I have many reasons not to trust people. I've been hurt, betrayed, embarrassed. To be mad about it would be absurd. Reality is that I let it happen. I let my guard down with people who I should have stayed on my toes with. I went against my beliefs. I've done my fair share of dirt. Been spiteful for things done to me. Didn't get mad, I got even. You hurt me and see if I don't return the favor. I don't care if you trust me or not. Who are you? Another disposable fixture that I can live without. People are so quick to get offended when you tell them you don't trust them. I think that's pretty selfish. Inconsiderate. What makes you think you should be trusted? Most common response to that is " I haven't given you a reason not to trust me." Ha.! Don't play yourself.

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