
Kiss In The Rain

I think this is one of the most seductive actions that can commence sex amongst a couple. It's romantic. It's spontaneous. It's sexy. It's fictitious amongst my peers. Romance doesn't exist to most of the people in m age bracket. It's just sex with them. You'd be lucky if you get any foreplay.

I dream about my Rain Kiss. I dream that I'm on a date with a guy that is just a gentlemen. He opens doors, he compliments, he doesn't say "cuz". He has stimulating conversation and an irresistible smile that melts me. After a lovely dinner, we walk & talk, laugh & play, getting to know each other the entire walk. And then...out of nowhere. It just starts raining. Hard. We dance around the raindrops trying to elude each droplet. All the while smiles upon our faces. Hands interlocked as we sprint to some sort of covered area. Finally we make it to safety and my dream crush checks to see if I'm okay. Catching my breath I say yes. Then he goes in for the kill. Dripping wet we engage in the most sensual, passionate, arousing kiss that one could possibly dream of. And then......I wake up.

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