
Hard To Trust

It's hard to trust someone who you tell things to only to later have them thrown in your face at some point in time. It makes it hard to want to talk to that person about anything. Or is it just me that feels this way?

Forehead Kiss

The most intimate kiss is the infamous ; forehead kiss. A kiss so tender it can make the most hostile of woman weak in her knees. You see the forehead kiss can definitely be used interjectionally. It let's her know you care. Or that everything will be okay. That you apologize. So many meanings, just one gesture. How many women do you know that don't absolutely adore kisses place upon their foreheads? Not many if any at all,.right? Crazy.


Just One of Those Days

Have you ever had one of those days where you dress really cute? You're matching from head to toe yet something doesn't feel right? That was me on this day. Surprisingly a lot of people liked the look. Not that it matter if people liked it or not that's me. I thought I looked pretty cool. Don't you? :)

In My Skin

I am comfortable in my own skin. I accept every scar, every quirk, every dent or ding that I have. I'm okay with my little boobs. I embrace the jiggle of my little butt. I don't regret any of my tattoos. It's my body art. That represent my life. I love my slender frame. I don't care if people think I'm "too skinny". Your opinion doesn't render the way I feel about myself. You don't have that power. Sorry.


The Hoe

Stumbled across this on Facebook a few minutes ago. This cat was funny but definitely speaking some sort of truth. Check him out.
