

Me and this "guy" had a real strange relationship. It's like... We had
some kind a power over each other. I mean, I remember this one time... He called, it had to be like two in the morning. It's was like freezing cold outside and I was knocked. And I had to wake up for him And it was like... Whenever you call, I came running

(Narrative Call - Skit with a few minor adjustments to fit my situation)

The Power

Men like having a certain power over women. A control that a lot of women fail to realize they have. They play these mind games which have women in the palms of their dirty little hands. It baffles me as to how amaurotic we are to the things that are said and done to keep us under their ascendancy. The disheartening part of the subject at hand is that women let it happen. They allow it to occur to feel the false illusion of love that they provide. They cling to what they are used to. To what they have grown accustomed to. A women who wakes up and realizes how captivated she is by the mind control of a man is a rarity that is often unwanted. To those that haven't opened their eyes...there is better.
The reward for conformity is that everyone likes you but yourself. - Rita Mae Brown
I arise in the morning torn beteewn a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day -E.B White


"I've learned to cope without certain ppl in my life. No one is a permanent fixture."
"if life came with some sort of manuel I wouldnt read it. How is someone else gonna tell me how to live my life.?"