
I'm so sick of this bullshit. People always playin fuckin victim to the shit that I do. I got close to such & such now you mad. Bitch grow up. I'm not fuckin with you nomore so I became fake. Bitch get the fuck outta town. You mad I don't wanna kick it with you. My dude you got a girl. We don't need to hang out like that anyway. You mad I say I don't give a fuck about nothing then get mad when I show care and fuckin concern. Then you call me crazy. Better wash yo hands nigga. I tired of people and the bullshit. Leave Ursula alone. I don't need you & that fuckery. I got enough of my own problems. You aint finna make me feel bad about shit. Like I have said time and time again, I'm no angel but I have learned from a few of the mistakes I've made. I got more growing & learning to do but I'll be damned if any of you muthafuckas try to teach me a lesson that you aint even learned yet. Get the fuck outta here.

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