
At a Loss for Words

my knowLedge of the engLish vernacuLar wiLL not aLLow me to convey these feeLings that i have for you. i get tongue tied w. butterfLies and studders whiLe tryna hide...the bLush of my cheeks. in which you see every time you Look at me. ME Looks great next to you. you. you. YOU are the one that makes me want to speak another Language. oh how i promesse de pinky avec un baiser. 0o0o0o0o YOU make ME sound better in french. HA I'm crazy. si estoy Loco para tu. tu. tu oops...i mean YOU make ME do things I've never done. pLus you make me sound better in spanish than in french. french... ... ...MmMmMmM cant think of a word that but it's okay you wont mind the scheme of my rhyme you know, my rhyme scheme. you accept me fLaws and aLL. naw naw. I'm no B. you ain't gotta put a ring on it. just yet that is. see because before the joint bank accounts, the white house, and the kids i need the time to show YOU make ME feeL. i can hoLd off on that recinto di pickett bLanco. see how YOU make ME sound in itaLian.? thats white picket fench. . . .there goes my word that rhymes with french. YOU heLp ME to make sense. since i met YOU i think i'd give my Last few cents to use the sense in which we Love with. see there i go again. aLL discombobuLated. wie aLbern von mir. damn it is that german.? You make ME sound good even in german. boy oh boy now im running out of words and Languages. guess words reaLLy cant describe or come cLose to me defining what i sense for you. Yu....no. no. no. see its Like...thats not it either. i guess my knowLedge of the engLish vernacuLar wiLL not aLLow me to convey these feeLings that i have for you. nor spanish, or itaLian, german or french. . . . guess i'LL Learn more words and Languages.!
the "MAIN"
thing in ones
is to
as much as yu


Living in a worLd where SANiTY is frowned upon. so iNSANiTY i pLead wen i Let my thoughts bLeed onto paper or my sidekick pager. yet wen i do something considered outLandish i get branded a a candid for one who seeks attention. LittLe do they reaLize tht attention is a foe tht i demise nd try to hide from. yu damned if yu do or dnt. if yu wiLL or wnt so w. tht being sed do yu. i do me. Me.? who am i, yu ask.? good question. one who dots her t's nd crosses her i's. fLy in the ocean or swim in the sky. wish yu cuLd do tht too but yu cnt. yu care too much abt wht others think. brainwashed by magazine ads. taking heave to the voice of the miLLion doLLar man versus the common kid. Listen to yur inner common kid. stop tryna Live up to a LifestyLe tht aint yu. tht doesnt fit yur means. yu'LL be much happier.

Proverbs 31:30

Charm is Deceptive, nd Beauty does not Last; but a Woman who fears the Lord wiLL be GreatLy Praised.


Dates in the day time
at a Location where yu peers or whispering eyes wiLL not reveal us.
We enjoy the company
of one another.
I more than yu
for this is onLy but routine for yu.
Discreet gatherings
in which names are not important nd faces are a bLur.
Secret kisses
as we pass by each other in the haLLway.
A tender embrace
upon my heart says this is right.
Yet the reaLity
of mind knows otherwise.
After sLeeping 2gthr;
no not in a sexuaL sense.
In a comforting
manner tht gives off a faLse impression.
Off to a pLace
in which we shaLL dweLL onLy for a moment.
RoLLing around in the sheets
being the ppL no one sees behind cLosed doors.
Clothes strewn across
the fLoor in the resuLt of our Love.
On second thoughts,
our mutuaL feeLing of Lust.
FaLLing asLeep
nvr feLt so good Laying in each others embrace.
Nd jus Lik tht
our time is spent.
We'LL share one
Last kiss nd then part ways.
W. the fresh memory of our encounter...

untiL nxt time.

Luhv Me

Love me in the smiLe of the Sun.
As weLL as the smirk of the Moon.
-U. TapLin


FareweLL Love

i bid a fareweLL to a Love
tht ddnt seem to Love me
nd greet a new.
i tried to pay my Last
respects but w. aLL due
respect yur Love is one
in the books under
my regrets.
so Let the sun rise
on this new Love of
yes it came to me by
i feeL this Love wiLL
nvr demise.
w. tht sed...
im content w. myseLf
i can Love me
Lik nobody eLse.

What a Crowd

Pain nd PLeasure nd Deceit hav aLways dined aLong w. Greed nd Sin. Sin is d8ng Destruction who's cousins w. Hate. Hate has a thing for Love who is the ex of Forever nd rival of Lust.

thts a croweded tabLe.


i am.

i am...

the girL yur mother warned yu abt.

the girL w. the cute smiLe

nd big brown eyes

tht wiLL charm her way into yur
