

the way he touches me w. hands so smoothLy. it reminds me of how the meLody soothes me. jus Lik the tune of a hot new song. put me nd him on repLay aLL night Long. banging Lik the bass beat. bouncing to the hi-hat. rockin to his rhythm. damn how he know i L0Ve tht.? coLLaborating in such a perfect harmony him nd i, i nd he. jus Lik the Lyrics of my favorite song. i think tht he nd i beLong.

x_i L0Ve the musik


dying L0Ve

= ! = Dying L0Ve = ! =
bLack hat w. a nice bLack dress.
3 bLack roses Lay my L0Ve to rest.
being 2gthr the worLd did detest.
on this day i Lay my roses on my L0Ve.
Lay my L0Ve to rest.

bLack suit w. a nice bLack tie.
3 bLack tears 4rm his bLack eyes.
one L0Ve forever despised.
pastor say one Last prayer for my L0Ve.
hey L0Ve no more sad cries.

bLack hat w. a nice bLack dress.
bLack suit w. a nice bLack tie.
bLack roses putting bLack L0Ve to rest.
bLack tears being heLd 4rm bLack eyes.
getting it off my heart. Laying bLack L0Ve to rest.!
