
Foolish Pride

I'm a very prideful person. So as I sit here & cry I think about all my wrongs I've done due to my pride. I disrespected you as a man. Speaking to you as if you were a little bitch & not a grown man. The countless times I've hung up in your face after you asked me time and time again not to. I've mistreated you because I was angry with someone else and you didn't do anything to deserve it. Calling you names out of anger. Being a bitch for no reason. All due to my foolish pride. I know I'm not perfect. Not by a long shot. But I do know I could have done better. Better at trying to trust you. Better at trying to ease the insecuritites lurking deep inside of you. Better to be better for you. My pride wouldn't let me. My pride made me a foolish girl about many things instead of the "grown" person that I claimed to be. By no means am I trying to win you over. I know better to think that you can be so easily persuaded. It's just that after the numb feeling fades the reality sets in. No means do I want you to feel sorry for me. I'm not looking for that. My pride is speaking because like I told you before to hurt you is to hurt myself. That's what I've been doing this entire time. I admit the cause of the problems was me. The reason for 80% of the arguments was me. The reason I was angry was me. I do admit that I love you & care about you & that is definitely something that pride will never take from me.

So to all of you who let your inflated pride get the best of you I am proof that it only hurts yourself.


I Prayed

Sitting in a dimly lit bathroom, I cried. And cried, & cried, & cried some more. I sat in a tub full of hot water until it turned cold. How could they have been so selfish? How could they not have told me? Didn't I have a right to know? Chills over come my entire body at this point but all I can do is cry. "That slut," I yell out. Frustrated. Heartbroken. Shocked. Anguish. Hatred. Just a few words that describe how I'm feeling. My entire life has been a lie. My identity, no longer am I sure of. Who am I? I question myself. Then I cry. Never been a super religious person. Never been to church since I hit my 20's. I read my Bible every now and again. I remembered what a good friend of mine had said. "When you're lost for answers. Ask God. When you feel like no one is there for you. God is right by your side. When the darkness overwhelms you. God will be your light." I got out of the icy cold water, and I took to my knees. In the same suit I was born in I began to pray. As I prayed, I cried. I prayed harder & louder. I cried more and more. I prayed & cried until I was spent. There I lay on the bathroom floor until I fell asleep. In the morning when I had awaken from my slumber I had nomore tears. The sun was shining. The birds were chirping. The hustle & bustle of the busy street below let me know that I had made it through the night. With not an ounce of any of the emotions that I felt the previous night, I smile. Still bearing my naked body I began to pray. I prayed & I cried. In my rawest form I thanked God for answering my prayers rapidly. Giving me the strength to get through the night. For taking away that pain inflicted upon me. And most of all, for giving me the breath to see yet another day. With a smile on my face I knew that giving it to God would allow me to be okay.



With every step it hurts. I love you but I know what I’m worth. 
And through my tears I mask the feeling of lonely that I fear. And tho this makes you sad, Genuine love for you is what I had. With every step it hurts To be with you only diminishes my worth.


Hard To Trust

It's hard to trust someone who you tell things to only to later have them thrown in your face at some point in time. It makes it hard to want to talk to that person about anything. Or is it just me that feels this way?

Forehead Kiss

The most intimate kiss is the infamous ; forehead kiss. A kiss so tender it can make the most hostile of woman weak in her knees. You see the forehead kiss can definitely be used interjectionally. It let's her know you care. Or that everything will be okay. That you apologize. So many meanings, just one gesture. How many women do you know that don't absolutely adore kisses place upon their foreheads? Not many if any at all,.right? Crazy.


Just One of Those Days

Have you ever had one of those days where you dress really cute? You're matching from head to toe yet something doesn't feel right? That was me on this day. Surprisingly a lot of people liked the look. Not that it matter if people liked it or not that's me. I thought I looked pretty cool. Don't you? :)

In My Skin

I am comfortable in my own skin. I accept every scar, every quirk, every dent or ding that I have. I'm okay with my little boobs. I embrace the jiggle of my little butt. I don't regret any of my tattoos. It's my body art. That represent my life. I love my slender frame. I don't care if people think I'm "too skinny". Your opinion doesn't render the way I feel about myself. You don't have that power. Sorry.


The Hoe

Stumbled across this on Facebook a few minutes ago. This cat was funny but definitely speaking some sort of truth. Check him out.



Sex, to me, is more erotic with the lights off. Room pitch black. It isn't because I'm uncomfortable with my body. I love my petite shape. I just believe that sightless exploration of your lovers body will heighten your sexuality.

To Love

To love someone whole heartedly is a difficult task the strongest of man has trouble conquering.


Oh my! I haven't seriously blogged in quite a while. It's not like I haven't been thinking about it or wanting to. I have. I really have but I haven't been inspired. I've been singing that Kelly Rowland song Motivation, yet I have none. On top of that I have a case of writer's block. My sexually creative mind isn't even working. If I start to write it feels so forced so I stop & then it gets lost or accidentally deleted. Most of the time I don't approve of the quality of my writings. It blows because I love to write. I love to draw out these vivid pictures with my words and now ... I can't. OH!!! How could I forget everything I write is under the fucking microscope. "Who is this about?", "Was that to me?", "You're so negative." I get tired of it. Not everything is about someone or something I've gone through. I have a creative mind too, ya know? Hopefully my blockage comes to an end soon. I need that release.


Happy Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day (5.8.2011). I want to give a special Mother's Day shoutout to Lady. We done had our ups a downs. Been theu bad times & good. We made a trip to hell & back but through it all she did her stuff for me. I appreciate it all. She spoiled me rotten (along with my Daddy.) I can't express how much I love & appreciate her crazy ass buuuut I do. Love you Lady.

Special Mother's Day love to my closest friends & loved ones mommies, grandmommies, & godmommies. Fav, Twin, Cortes, Kev, Keys, Keith, Tiff, Lan, Boogie, Locito, Beautiful, bnL, Nick...& anyone I forgot.


I don't know but it looked kinda cool


This shit is sooo sexy!! I would. . . .Let me stop.

KP Sings Still In Love by Tyra B.

I absolutely adore Keke Palmers voice! Like seriously!!

Beach Flow Video

I have NO idea as to what was being said or done in this video. (lol. Yet I was recording)
I love you too much to hurt you. That's why we could never be together. I'm afraid I'd hurt you. I couldn't deal with that.

Sure Thing

Even when the sky comes falling
Even when the sun don't shine
I got faith in you and I
So put your pretty little hand in mine
Even when we're down to the wire babe Even when it's do or die
We can do it baby simple and plain
Cuz this love is a 'Sure Thing'

Beach Flow

Sooo we (bnL, Stina, & bri) went to the beach on Thursday (5.5.2011). First of all, it was 6 o' clock when we finally arrived. Nonetheless we had a ball. Cold & all. This picture to me is dope. I was tuned out with Purp while Stina snappin photos of people. I just so happened to look up. Good stuff, huh? I know.
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Things I Miss

I miss the feelin of wakin up to cute good morning texts from a special someone. How I smiled from ear to ear when I seen the little purple envelope at the top of my screen. I miss the feeling I got when we talked for hours on the phone about everything & nothing at the same time. I miss watching movies for hours on end. I miss the unspoken feeling of love. Wonder if I will get any of those things back.


Stress Free Hippie Life: To Her

Stress Free Hippie Life: To Her: "Show me how you shine Blind me with your presence Whisper to me words never that have never left your mind Kiss me with your secrets ..."

This is a nice one from a talented young man. . . .enjoy like I did.


My Fav comes home tomorrow! I'm soooo excited!! Hopefully I get to see him this time.
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Is being involved with someone knowing that it won't go anywhere a waste of time? If you know that you will never be together what's the point of continuing to be involved? Why exert so much energy into something that is already dead?


I do a lot for people. They don't even have to ask me. I think about people's needs more than my own. Yet people never do for me out of the kindness of their hearts. It sucks.



I wish I had an S on my chest. With a vibrant colored purple cape. I would save him. From hurt, harm, & pain. I'd protect him with every once of my being. To never see him sad would be my mission in life. I'd gain strength from his radiant smile. I'd grasp motivation from his desires. Fighting villains off daily to make sure he rested easy when the lights went down. I wish I could be his superwoman. . . . 



Ordinary Love Shit (Part 1)

Without a care, I just chuck deuces 
my skin will turn numb and you'll be stuck with what your truth is 
then you'll feel a way thinking I should have resisted 
then you'll start to see a side of me 
you never knew existed 
cause you've never seen me act like a jerk 
I know MEN will provoke you and get mad when it works 
rather reserved and that always makes matters the worst 
cause I go on about my business and not act like it hurts 
but wait 
it's to the point I gotta ask myself 
why the FUCK is it so easy to detach myself 
maybe it ain't you 
just something I lack myself 
but if these wounds are self-inflicted I can patch myself 
now listen 
I could give a fuck 'bout how them other bitches treated you 
if your ass was that perfect they would be with you 
I don't care if you iced out 
you'll say your the best I'll ever have and I'll say I'm willing to find out

Break By Ginuwine

I really feel this song. It makes me think of a special person. I feel them through the song. I get teary eyed when this song comes on. I also play it on repeat. Play it ten times before it gets changed. I really love this song. Most won't understand but the few that do....*head nod*

Never feel alone
Never feel there's no one there who cares for you
When every door seems closed
Mine is open wide for you
I'll give you strength
Restore your faith
I'm the one who'll be around if it all falls down
I will hold you
I'll be there if you break I'll be there if you crumble
Come to you if you come undone
Catch you if you stumble
I'll do what it takes to put the pieces back in place
If you break

Never feel ashamed
Never feel it's weak if you should reach for me
When your chained by the pain
I'll be there to set you free
I'll give you love
I'll lift you up
I'm the one who'll be around if it all falls down
I will hold you
I'll be there if you break
I'll be there if you crumble
Come to you if you come undone
Catch you if you stumble
I'll do what it takes to put the pieces back in place
If you break

But if there comes a time when I might need someone
Will you be there?
Say you'll be there

I'll be there if you break
I'll be there if you crumble
Come to you if you come undone
Catch you if you stumble
I'll do what it takes to put the pieces back in place
If you break
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Awwwwe Porky & Freezy in Vegas for a weekend? We'd turn that shit up & over!
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16 days
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Birthday Shoe

This is the shoe that I want to wear on my birthday! I. Am. In. Love with this shoe man! Hopefully, I can get that hook up so my feet'll be fresh on my 22nd birthday. If not then I'm gonna cash out on it. Lol. Think about buying my Ace a pair too.
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17 days
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I never want someone around me who doesn't want to be there. No matter how much I want them around. If you don't wanna be there...be my guest. Exit, left.
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Mind Your Business

It bugs the shit outta me when people get into stuff that doesn't concern them. If I say "stay out of it" it's for a reason. If it don't concern you what are you commenting on it for? Then be lookin sick when they get told off. "Oh, I didn't know." Yeah, you didn't that's why you should have stayed the fuck out of it. Especially when no one asked you. My sister has that bad & I be ready to slap the shit outta her! Uuuuggggghhhhh.
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"it Seems like n****s who don't get the most p***y always talkin' about gettin' p***y. They ought to stop that s**t."

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22 days
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"Niggas Be actin like biiiiiitches."
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On to the next one!
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Girl It's Over By Jagged Edge

 Watch "Jagged Edge - Girl its over - with lyrics!!!" on YouTube 
What am I doin? Oh yeah, that's right, I'm doin me!

Thanks for makin it easy.
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You can't worry about what the next person does. Protect your own feelings at all costs. The next person won't do it for you.
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Happy Birthday to my buddy Tamarquis. Lil asshole you! Enjoy your day sugarplum. Lol
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What is it to you?


Yeezy didn't teach Urs shit. Ken taught me well. Keyron learned me a thing or two. & Kevin keeps me on my toes. Keith tells me like it is. & Ken spoils & babies me. I love my K's!

Dear Mr.Carter

If I could write him a letter and send it to him it would read...

Dear Mr. Carter,
I miss you.

Bare It All

We Fell Asleep In A Car

We fell asleep in a car. Talking about this that & the third. Laughing & fighting. Just like old times.

We fell asleep in a car. Listening to the sound of the rain. Asking what ifs & do you remembers. Reminiscing of things both good and bad.

We fell asleep in a car. Arguing about what was & what could have been. About the negativity & the childishness. Remembering how much we couldn't stand each other.

We fell asleep in a car. To a kiss on the forehead & an I'm sorry. A rub of the head & a slight smirk. Topped off with an I love you.

We fell asleep in a car.


"I know they say the first love is the sweetest but that first cut is the deepest" -Drake
23 days.
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There Was A Time

There was a time....

When "good morning" was an everyday thing. You'd wake up & see that little envelope at the top of your screen. You were the first thought of the day by all means. Guess things change just like people. Once that's gone . . . . . . .


My heart. I'd give for the right one.
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"Say Whatever you want"

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"you Know what I love?"
"i love singin loudly to the music. Even tho I know I can't sing worth a damn. It just makes me feel sooo good."
"i love that too. You know what else I love?"
"no, but close. I love ice cream."
"that's a good one. Know what else I love?"
"what's that?"
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25 days
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Just like that....WOOP.
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Picture taken from the Tumblr of Tamarquis (it's french not ghetto lol) follow him http:itsthecoolestnaija.tumblr.com & @K1NGTUT

"I believe it wholeheartedly. I'm an advocate for love."
I wouldn't say I'm an advocate for love but hate is definitely a trait that can only be demolished by love. Hate cannot drive out hate. It only fuels it.
“ Whenever you feel a warm breeze brush against you, that’s the kiss I blew to you”

The Rat Pack

Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Peter Lawford, and Joey Bishop
Part of the real Ocean's 11.

It's a movie lover thing.

Muhammad Ali Says

Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.

Muhammad Ali

Words of Mescudi

Sick of the nonsense. It's about time I started listening to someone. Now watch me work. ;)

Mr. West Says

"Boyfriends Are like rush hour traffic...ALWAYS IN THE FUCKIN' WAY!" -Kanye West

Crazy Conversation

*Complicated Ringtone*
Me: Yiggity giggty
Nikkole: You hungry?
Me: Is the sky blue?
Nikkole: The way. Usual?
Me: Womp Womp.
Nikkole: Woop!
Me: Oooowwww!!
This is the little things that I love about friendship
People who were to just hear us would probably think
we were crazy. We aren't crazy. We just understand
each other.

Your Presence

On nights like this I just want you in my bed. I don’t want to hear your voice. I don’t to feel your touch. I just need your presence. That’s all. Just the presence of you.


You'd never know what was wrong with me unless I told you. Humans have the ability to use things against you. I'll smile & tell you nothing is wrong when really I'm going through it.

Complicated By Rihanna

Why is everyday with you so complicated
Why do you make it hard to love you
Oh I hate it
Cos if you really wanna be alone I,
Will throw my hands up cos baby I tried
But everything with you is so complicated
Oh why

I'ma stick around just a little while longer
Just to make sure that you're really sure
You like sleeping alone

I love Rihanna. This song captivated
me from the very first moment I heard
it. I think most women have been there
if they aren't there right now.


I think I have a new addiction. It's name is Tumblr.

5:03 a.m.

Stuffy nose, hawaiian punch, cup of nunus, my snuggie (watch me dougie) & a dvd. Good Morning.
26 days
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Over a year ago. Ugh!
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Almost Wrote You A Love Poem

I was gonna write you a love poem
But you screwed it all up
Playing games now ya just a lame
Who's shit outta luck
I almost wrote you a love poem
Social networking websites bring about alter egos or like people who you want to be that isn't really who one is.
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In a relationship I come 2 to only a few things. Homies & homegirls are definitely not one of the few. Partying & sports ...nope! Ken taught me that a loooong time ago. "You Never come 2nd to a niggas homies, partyin', otha b*****s, sports, or them. Make a dude put you after God, money, & family." Thank you Ken!
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"Find Someone with more inner strength than yourself. So when you fall & find it hard to get back on your feet. . . He/she's there to do it for you." -Carla A.
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Words With Friends

Come get you some! Lovemypurp is my user name. I kicks butt. Lol seriously
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My loves

I swear I love my Besfrn & my favorite cousin. They don't tell me what I want to hear they tell me what I need to hear. No matter how much I tell them to shut up. No matter how many times I utter " I don't wanna hear it." They keep it real with me. I can always count either one of them putting a smile on my face or pulling me out of a funk. Never have they thrown anything in my face. Never low blowed me. Never discussed me behind my back. Never said or done anything to hurt me. I'd die if I lost either of those guys. I thank God for those guys.
27 days
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I need something better. This isn't working.
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Words Of Advice

“Everything That I wanted came easy to me. I asked once and I had it. I hate challenge when it comes to love. It should be difficult if you aren't living together. I've never been a rule follower but there are do's and don'ts. I olbige them. Until I feel that the person that I'm involved with isn't doing the same. Love in the beginning shouldn't be that difficult. I'd say quit before you're taken out of your element.” -My Best Friend
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It's 2:29 a.m. And I'm listening to the sound of the rain. My bed is so cozy. The temperature in the room is just right. It's pitch black just the way I like it. I have on just a t-shirt. Comfort at it's best. Yet I cannot fall asleep. What's missing? I roll over & grab my Ipod off of the nightstand & place it in the dock. Pushing play, music starts flowing through the speakers. This should do it. Softly humming the words to the song, I let my mind drift. Before I knew it 45 minutes had gone past and I still couldn't sleep. I got up to get a glass of water. While in the kitchen, I decided to have a glass of wine instead. Making my way back to my bed I sipped my wine & thought what was keeping me up. I climbed back into my cozy bed with the mellow music filling the room. I was so relax until the ringing of my cell phone startled me. It was Tycal. He had just flown in from Los Angeles. My heart skipped a beat when I heard his voice. It had been months. Since we had last seen each other. We had spoken once or twice briefly. He asked if he could crash at my place due to his heating in his condo being down. It was a cold winter in New York so I couldn't say no. I had placed his favorite color towels in the bathroom. I knew he'd want to shower as soon as possible. Tycal and I had history. Lots of it. We fooled around for a year or so. He wanted more. I did too, but I knew I wasn't ready for the commitment. I didn't want to hurt him. We did our separate things but somehow what we had never died. He finally arrived and I was a excited. After a quick embrace we chatted for a minute and I put his bags in the living room closet. He headed to the bathroom and I was right behind him. As he stepped in the shower I sat on the counter with my legs crossed. It was an old habit. We would always keep each other company in the bathroom. I'd take a bath and he'd sit on the side of the tub telling me how his day went and vice versa. After he got out of the shower I insisted on whipping up something to eat. He declined only to offer that he cooked. I had to see this. Perched on the counter top I giggled as Ty made his way around the kitchen. That had to be the toasted peanut butter and jelly I had ever eaten. We laughed at the memories that the infamous pb&j came with. It was getting late. Tycal cleaned the mess up as I excused myself to the little girls room. When I returned, to my surprise, Tycal was preparing the couch to sleep on. I said my good night and retreated to my room. Back in my cozy bed yet sleep wouldn't come to me. How can I be so comfortable and still not able to fall asleep? Right then it hit me. I grabbed my phone and sent a text. A few minutes later Tycal was sliding into my bed. I handed him an extra pillow because I knew he had to sleep with threes pillows. He turned on his side and slightly lifted his leg. Ty tapped my but and without looking I placed my ankle between his calves. We knew each other so well. Without a word we drifted off. My comfort was complete.
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Ciara's Music

I've really been on my Ciara tip. I don't praise her as a singer because she isn't all that vocally but the lyrics to her songs have just been hitting a soft spot with me. Take 'My Love' for example

"Cause if you only knew
what I felt for you
You would have held on tighter
Fought a little harder
Been a little smarter and now you're gonna miss my love
And one day soon you'll see
You'll reach out for me
Boy you had a keeper
Didn't know how to treat her
Should have felt a little deeper and now you're gonna miss my love"

I've felt that before. If not the whole verse, certain lines definitely fit situations that I'm going through or have been through. It's crazy because I've only ever really listened to her dance music. Another song that got to me was Never Ever.

"If that boy don't love you by now
He will never ever, never ever love you"

How true. Even if it's a platonic love or on a more intimate level. I don't know maybe I let the music get the best of me. I know for sure that her music has been having my mind wondering.
27 days.
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On the 1st page of our story the future seemed so bright
Then this thing turned out so evil I don't know I'm still surprised
Even angels have their wicked schemes & you take that to no extreme
But you'll always be my hero even though you've lost your mind.
28 days
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Up again. Being sick blows. Still gonna make a wish thooo.
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"Most N*****a ain't worth s**t. I'm really starting to see that" -Nikkole

I love when we talk and she says random ish. But I have to agree.

A Guy

A guy who likes to listen to all kinds of music. One that can quote one of my favorite movies. A guy who's okay with talking to his girl about everything while she's in the tub. A guy that picks a pretty flower versus buying a dozen roses. One that remembers his lady's favorite food & exactly how she likes it. One that falls asleep but wakes up in the middle of the night just to say 'good night'. A forehead kisser. A snuggler. One who protects his girl from any form of pain. A guy who will buy feminine products. A purse holder. The kind who washes dishes if she cooks. A guy that cooks. A guy who would rather lounge around with her cuddling & kissing, playing & sleeping, than doing nothing with the homies/bros. A guy who will listen to her every word even if he doesn't know what she's talking about. A guy who opens doors & pulls out chairs. A hugger. A guy who doesn't mind her hanging with the girls. A guy who would give up his jacket. One that sends a random 'I love you' text. A guy who will help with homework. One that doesn't pressure for sex. A guy who can admit when he's wrong & won't hesitate to say I'm sorry. A guy who is willing to work with a broken,beaten, & bruised heart. One who will tell you what you need to hear not what you want. A loving guy. A guy who isn't into materialistic things. One that reads her blog and comments as he would on a football game. A man who gives his all to one & not divide himself amongst others....Yeah. That's the kind of guy I need.
Inconsiderate people grind my fuckin gears. My sister is #1 on the list. Ugh.
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It's The Little Things

It's knowing all the words to your favorite song. It's your favorite pair of jeans that fit to perfection. That cold bottle of water on a really got summer day. The joy of knowing someone is thinking of you. Or the smell of your favorite perfume/cologne. It's laughing so hard that you cry. That random call that makes you smile. The feeling of new undies. It's dancing until you can't breathe. Hearing that one song that reminds you of them. It's spelling a word right after you thought it was incorrect. Hearing your favorite song sung by your favorite artist....acapella. It's that feeling you get when you're about to walk in the club. Birthday texts at 11:59 p.m. on your birthday. It's not talking but just bein together. That awkward moment when you catch someone cute staring at you. Reading a story that makes you say "Daaamn shawty!" It's long kisses goodbye. It's like hearing a secret. First date jitters. Knowing who's next to die in the horror movie. It's being complimented on your work. Watching a football game with homies. It's reciprocity. It's forehead kisses in a tight embrace. It's catching your significant other in the wrong. That freaky song that makes you snap your fingers as soon as the song comes on. Yo drunken auntie at the family funtion yellin "That's my jam!" It's that 5 a.m. text saying "i love you". It's that first bite of a great meal.  It's knowing that you can trust them.


Men are stupid. It's simple.
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Don't Fall In Love By Ne-Yo

Please don’t say what I think you’re about to say / Don’t take the mood away / By asking questions / you already know the answers to
No you’re not my only girl / I ain’t tryna be your man / We had an understanding / So then why are you acting like you no longer understand
Don’t fall in love / Girl I’m not the one / No emotions babe / We just having fun All im gonna do is hurt you (baby please don’t fall) x2

Reb'l Fleur

I'm so gonna treat myself to Rihanna's new perfume. If I didn't I'd be so very uncivilized. I love her & I fell in love with that fragrance from the first whiff. Yes, it's that serious.
It's 4:07 a.m. & I'm crying & watching Gargoyles. Sipping orange juice out of my tinkerbell mug. Thinking heavily. Good fucking morning America.
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Molly Smiles

This song comes from one of my favorite movies Uptown Girls. It was on the last scene of the movie where Ray was at her ballet recital & performed to this for her solo performance. Tightness.

Daddy’s little girl,
Paints the world with her magic wand
Daddy’s little child
Breathes new life to the morning time for me,
Though were apart,
Her thoughts follow me,

When I come home,
Molly’s smiles with the door,
Molly smiles and she radiates the glow around her halo,

When she plays, Molly smiles
On a summer day, Molly smiles
A new day, molly smiles

Daddy’s little girl,
Ties a ribbon around my heart,
Daddy’s little child
Waves goodbye to the ocean tide that sweeps me,
Though were apart,
She’s a part of me
My entire itunes was wiped out. Oh how my heart hurts.
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People who have Twitter accounts and are like...involved with people should watch what they tweet. The tweet bird tells all. Lol. It never fails that someone gets in trouble for something they tweeted, someone they followed, or a picture they were mentioned in. You can't blame it on Twitter, though. It's their own fault. *shrugs*. Just something I thought about.
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I'm so over it!
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"Out of sight. Out of mind." So you make yourself seen.
Compromise in relationships is foolish if only one party is guilty.
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Last Time

Trey Songz "Last Time" came on my Purp, Pandora, & music player. For those who know me know that is my SONG by that man! I remember the 1st time I heard it. I was with my cousin's girlfriend at the time. We went nuts when we heard it. I was like instantly in love.

Have you ever been in such a predicament? To have a boyfriend or girlfriend and have something on the side. I've been there. It was so hard to stop my side fling. All the while, having a main thing. He wasn't my BOYFRIEND but he was my main squeeze. I felt bad about the entire situation until I found proof that he was doing the same thing. Then I was forced to stop thinking about it because my fling was too good. Damn a last time!
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“I Never thought I'd hear myself say / yall go ahead I think I'm gonna kick it with my girl today”

That's because guys would rather sit around di** all day. Queerbags



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Power Of Music

Music can elicit so much in a person. You can feel a variety of different emotions in a short amount of time. I, for example, am listening to my ipod as I type. I've been through 13 songs and about 5 different emotions. I've probably been through about 40 different thoughts that just keep changing with the music. That's just what music does to me. I do my best thinking with music going. I read with music. I shower with music. I even sleep with music. Music is everything to me. My first REAL love was music. I loved music before I knew what love was. How did I know. Because I was most happy when the radio came on. I know I'm not the only one who feels that way about music. A lot people feel that way. How do I know this? It's just the power that music has over people. It can control feelings, mood swings, break ups, people getting beat up, love making, fun, etc. Music is a pretty powerful thing. Don't believe me?
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Cashmere Thoughts : Jay-Z : Reasonable Doubt

Hah, hah, hah, hah, yeah, yeah What it is player? You player, it's all about you How you gon' say that man If I had your hand I'd turn mine in Far as I'm concerned, if I had your hand, I cut mines off Hah man, you know man, I'm just dealin that hoe money You know hoe money is slow money but it's sho' money Check this out man, when you run up on your bitch this this is what you tell her Stick they hands in they panties, grab that knot Stick they arm in a car window, drop it like it's hot

[Jay-Z Uhh, I talk jewels and spit diamonds, all cherry like a hymen, when I'm rhymin with remarkable timin Caviar and silk dreams, my voice is linen Spittin venom up in the, minds of young women Mink thoughts to think thoughts type similar Might you remember, my shit is col-l-l-ld like December Smoother than Persian rugs cashmere chromosomes make a nigga Jigga Jay-Z lethal drugs Eighteen carat gold pen, when it hits the sheets Words worth a million like I'm rappin em through platinum teeth I got the Grey Poupon, you been warned Cause all beef return well done filet mignon The Don, smell of Dom on my breath as I yawn, (slow) when you hoes try to con a pro As if you didn't know, Jay's about gettin dough Spittin flow like fine wines down your earlobe I'm smooth but deadly like a pearl handled pisto Honies hum in melody when I, rub it like crysta The proper ettiquette, when I drop the subject verb then the predicate, with this rich nigga rhetoric I'm solid gold, I rap like a mink stole I stick pearl tongues your world'll never know From New York, to Paris, the vocal style vary From nice to deadly like a bad bag of D, now notice, the child swift like a lotus Focus on the loc' I be the greatest nigga that wrote it Return of the Jedi, from Rio De Genaro on the red eye, yet I, still feel the need to be fly I did die when I'm rappin then slide like satin You know the black eye white china in the brain cabinet I never cry if I did I'd cry ice From my nigga Sauce, I hit you with this advice Life's short, so play hard and stick hard and the only time you love em is when your dick hard Whoooh! That's cashmere baby Nah, you know, that's just laid back man Man, shit, J to the A to the Y to the Z Yeah baby Motherfuckin pimp that's what he be Cashmere baby Don't get no hotter than that Sho' you're right Them niggaz know Check it out, check it out Ghettos, Errol Flynn, hot like heroin Young pimps is sterile when I pimp through your borough and I gotta keep your tricks intact Cause I walk like a p-iyimp, talk like a mack man The star player, the golden bar layer The sweet Ms. Fine Thing puh-layah, sho' yo right I'm game tight, so watch it it change to night Go tell your peeps dawg I'm lethal til it ain't right I pimp hard on a trick, look Fuck if your leg broke bitch, hop up on your good foot


Struggles disappear if you allow life to flow through you with trust that what's happening is for your best interest even if you can't see I right now. -Tiffny Jones via Facebook

Random Thought:

He likes the way I dress. Calls it the Valley Girl Cali Girl swag. "You look real cute white girl".

Lol rude!


"Men Who think that a woman's past love affairs lessen her love for them are usually stupid and weak. A woman can bring a new love to each man she loves, providing there are not too many." Marilyn Monroe
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“Absence Makes the heart grow fonder.” -Thomas Haynes Bayly
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24 Hour Donuts

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Love Faces (Official Video)

I am very disappointed in this video! It was nice but I was expecting more due to the contents of the song! Guess that's what I get for having expectations of someone. I just fell in love with this damn song again, though. Boogie better get on it! Lol like I know he will.

Hahaha I know what to do wit it! ;) Please don't test my knowledge. The real question is can you handle it?
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Valentine's Day

My Valentine's Day was swell. My niece & nephew were my valentine's. Shawty came through & bought me a Slurpee & we laughed it up. Nick bought me some ice cream from Baskin Robin's & Baby Nick gave me hugs & kisses. They all checked on me & I definitely appreciate it. Boogie made sure I was straight all day too. Lol hope all goes well ;) with that. I'm out enjoying this night looking real girly. :) Today has been a really nice Valentine's Day. I got a rose, a balloon, & some candy. Cupcakes, & a bunch of kisses! Oh did I mention I had on HEELS? LOL YES. HEELS. I BEEN STEPPIN CUTE ALL DAY! YAAAAY ME! Have fun everyone. Be safe & spread love everyday! :-*


You never realize how much you love someone until they are stripped away from you.

Dear Pillow

Dear Pillow,
Would you be so kind as to catch my falling tears while I try to rest my head? Please, dear pillow, keep the thoughts that dwell inside of my head comfy through the night. Let me hug thee fore these lonely nights are sometimes unbearable. Thank you.
X_Teary Eyes & Sighs
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Throwback Song

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Gone & Never Coming Back

Sad that memories never die
just fill your head with why
then you're caught living a lie again
its sad that all he ever said
was that he loved me to death
but that hes gone again
and I was wrong again

cause you think its easier
easy like that
just when I wasn't finished
you were gone like
that cant you hear me crying
cause I need you back
and I'm slowly dying bass
cause I need you bad
but your gone and never coming back
gone and not coming back
hes never coming back

should've known the long kiss goodbye
would bring sadness in my life
wearing this disguise again
I wish that you would've said
or lied to me instead
like a bullet to my head
like a fool I pretend
that its on again on again

cause you think its easier
easy like that
just when I wasn't finished
you were gone like that
cant you hear me crying
cause I need you back
and I'm slowly dying
cause I need you bad
but your gone and never coming back
gone and not coming back
hes never coming back

whoever said look on the brighter side has never been on mine
whoever said that he'll
get his
never felt like this
ain't no use in crying
when you're done like that
cause baby baby you took something
that I cant buy back
and now you're gone and never coming back
coming back
oh hes not coming back
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People say that they care about your feelings but their actions say otherwise. That's why it's best to care about your own feelings. You'd never hurt your own feelings.
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Holla If You Need Me

I can't pretend that everythings all good
Nope I can't say that everythings all bad
But I'm gon say that u be on my mind
How you doin? Who you with? Where you be at boy?
It's crazy how music speaks the words pride won't let me.

P.s. I Love You

Check this picture

A good movie. It has that romance that I want. Lol. I'm such a mush....on the low.

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Little Things Matter

He notices the moles & beauty marks in the odd places on her body. Thinks it's cute how her nose wiggles right before she sneezes. The way that she puts her tiny feet on him when she sleeps makes him smile, though he dislikes feet. He appreciates the way she rubs his back & holds him when he's sad. & how she kisses his forhead when he's sleep. He adores the way she dances around in her boyshorts while she cooks & cleans. The sight of her when she cries for him is bittersweet. Fore her eyes are so beautiful through tears but it pains his heart to see her sad. Her caring & considerate ways captivates him. Like no other he loves her. The little things that other women over look she handles & doesn't know it. And that is why he loves her.

The Smith's

I want that Mr. & Mrs. Smith kinda lovin'.

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I'm In A Cartoon

"Mr. Right" sounds too much like a dream waiting to become a nightmare; I want a man with flaws I can stomach so I don't feel like I need to pinch myself back into reality...-La'Pree Collins


Dnt always need words to hear where sumbody cumin from...jus like u aint always gotta touch somebody to feel em.



The truth may hurt for a little while but a lie hurts forever. -Lil Wayne.

Melanie Fiona Kills It

She sang the heck out of one of my favorite songs. Check it out.

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Ever been massaged into a creamy flow? Oh my!
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That's Me

Whaaaat!? Say it ain't so! A freaking Ursula doll. If I was a doll collector I would have purchased that without a doubt. Instead I got a mirror. Had to get something with the seawitch on it. I mean...we DO share the same name. & She is purple & black. Oh, and she is the villian. We were meant to be!

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Sweet Love

Baby your heart is safe with me .. Let me show you what love supposed to be .. Boy I wanna give you .. All of this SWEET LOVE .. All of this SWEET LOVE.. Baby your heart is safe with me .. Take all of my SWEET LOVE.

My Love

This circular motion is all we do
I'm so sick of going back and forth with you
You should have been happy to have me
You said you wanted to have some kids build a family
(Now I)
Wish it wasn't true
It's killing me to do
What I gotta do
The problem here is you
Ain't nobody new not even my crew
Could take the place of you
The problem here is you

Cause if you only knew what I felt for you
You would have held on tighter
Fought a little harder
Been a little smarter and now you're gonna miss my love
And one day soon you'll see
You'll reach out for me
Boy you had a keeper
Didn't know how to treat her
Should have felt a little deeper and now you're gonna miss my love

I've been on some sort of musical high today. With the help of a friend I done sang myself into a sore throat. It was all in good fun, though. Took my mind off of some things that were bothering me. Music is the window to my soul. It's my escape & my prison. I get lost in the music and sometimes I find the answers in the lyrics of a song. I'd die without some sort of music player.
Stayed up ALL NIGHT thinking bout YOU and I know it AIN'T RIGHT baby but I do I don't think that I can LET GO

Flaws & All

I’m a trainwreck in the morning. I’m A bitch in the afternoon. Every now & then without warning. I can be really mean towards you. I’m a puzzle yes indeed. Ever complex in every way. & all the pieces aren’t even in the box. & yet you see the picture clear as day.

I don't know why you love me & that's why i love you. You catch me when i fall accept me flaws & all & that's why I love you
"Yeah, You may act like a hard-ass, & you always so non-chalant, you got too much pride ...... But I wouldn't have you any other way. You my lil nigga. & I love you" -Nick.
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I'd Rather Go Blind

I LOVE musicals & this came from one of my favorites! Every time this comes on you can't get me to shut up!

U Lost Me

You Lost Me lyrics
I am done, smoking gun
We've lost it all, the love is gone
She has won. Now it's no fun
We've lost it all, the love is gone

And we had magic
And this is tragic
You couldn't keep your hands to yourself

I feel like our world's been infected
And somehow you left me neglected
We found our life's been changed
Babe, you lost me
And we tried, oh how we cried
We lost ourselves, the love has died
And oh, we tried, you can't deny
We're left as shells, we lost the fight

And we had magic
And this is tragic
You couldn't keep your hands to yourself

I feel like our world's been infected
And somehow you left me neglected
We found our life's been changed
Babe, you lost me

Now I know you're sorry and we were sweet
But you chose lust when you deceived me
You'll regret it but it's too late
How can I ever trust you again?

I feel like our world's been infected
And somehow you left me neglected
We found our life's been changed
Babe, you lost me

Up & Down

T. Keli Broken Hearted Girl (cover)

U Get On My Nerves


Well, I didn't call to have a convo,
I just think I've might left some of my clothes over your house,
A couple shirts and a hat,
So if you didn't burn it, can I get it back?
Now what is you yelling at me for?
I don't give a damn if you're with your new bo,
you're always tryin to get loud
That's why we are not together now!

 Listen, I don't give a damn that you moved on,
'cause anything I felt for you been gone,
I was done from the time that you busted my window.
any time I think about missing you
I remember the stress that you put me through,
The time I lost, how much it cost,
So now I want you to know:

That I swear that I don't know how we lasted that long,
You get on my damn nerves,
My damn nerves,
My damn nerves,
I'm glad we're not together now!
And now I'm all right cause with you everything was all wrong.
You get on my damn nerves,
My damn nerves,
My damn nerves,
I'm glad we're not together now!
I'm glad we're not together now!
So glad we're not together now!
So glad we're not together now, yeah!

[Jazmine Sullivan]I know why you called but it won't work,
This ain't about a watch or a T-shirt
But if that's what you wanna stick with,
I can have your shit Fed Ex in the morning
So I guess this is finished,
I guess you're the one, who send it,
There should be no reason you should ever dial my digits
You should never have to call me up pretending,
Cause baby I know you're pretending!
Listen I don't wanna fight cause it ain't the point,
It's sad that you called just to hear my voice,
You should have known I was gone,
When I busted your window!
'cause you won't say it, but I know that you need me baby,
And I'm glad I can say it I don't need you back
I did my part, you broke my heart,
But I won't make the same mistakes again!

Oh, and I swear I don't know how we lasted that long,
You get on my damn nerves,
My damn nerves,
My damn nerves,
I'm glad we're not together now!
And now I'm all right cause with you everything was all wrong.
You get on my damn nerves,
My damn nerves,
My damn nerves,
I'm glad we're not together now!
I'm glad we're not together now!
So glad we're not together now!
So glad we're not together now, yeah!

I ain't gonna lie,
I think about if we could try it make it work one more time,
Could we do it?
Could we do it
I admit it, it cross my mind,
If it's something we can end,
Oh, then something clicks inside
I remembered I can't stand you,
No more!
Oh no, no more!

Oh, and I swear I don't know how we lasted this long
You get on my damn nerves,
My damn nerves,
My damn nerves,
I'm glad we're not together now!
And now I'm all right cause with you everything was all wrong.
You get on my damn nerves,
My damn nerves,
My damn nerves,
I'm glad we're not together now!
I'm glad we're not together now!
So glad we're not together now!
So glad we're not together now, yeah