
Ciara's Music

I've really been on my Ciara tip. I don't praise her as a singer because she isn't all that vocally but the lyrics to her songs have just been hitting a soft spot with me. Take 'My Love' for example

"Cause if you only knew
what I felt for you
You would have held on tighter
Fought a little harder
Been a little smarter and now you're gonna miss my love
And one day soon you'll see
You'll reach out for me
Boy you had a keeper
Didn't know how to treat her
Should have felt a little deeper and now you're gonna miss my love"

I've felt that before. If not the whole verse, certain lines definitely fit situations that I'm going through or have been through. It's crazy because I've only ever really listened to her dance music. Another song that got to me was Never Ever.

"If that boy don't love you by now
He will never ever, never ever love you"

How true. Even if it's a platonic love or on a more intimate level. I don't know maybe I let the music get the best of me. I know for sure that her music has been having my mind wondering.

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