

It's 2:29 a.m. And I'm listening to the sound of the rain. My bed is so cozy. The temperature in the room is just right. It's pitch black just the way I like it. I have on just a t-shirt. Comfort at it's best. Yet I cannot fall asleep. What's missing? I roll over & grab my Ipod off of the nightstand & place it in the dock. Pushing play, music starts flowing through the speakers. This should do it. Softly humming the words to the song, I let my mind drift. Before I knew it 45 minutes had gone past and I still couldn't sleep. I got up to get a glass of water. While in the kitchen, I decided to have a glass of wine instead. Making my way back to my bed I sipped my wine & thought what was keeping me up. I climbed back into my cozy bed with the mellow music filling the room. I was so relax until the ringing of my cell phone startled me. It was Tycal. He had just flown in from Los Angeles. My heart skipped a beat when I heard his voice. It had been months. Since we had last seen each other. We had spoken once or twice briefly. He asked if he could crash at my place due to his heating in his condo being down. It was a cold winter in New York so I couldn't say no. I had placed his favorite color towels in the bathroom. I knew he'd want to shower as soon as possible. Tycal and I had history. Lots of it. We fooled around for a year or so. He wanted more. I did too, but I knew I wasn't ready for the commitment. I didn't want to hurt him. We did our separate things but somehow what we had never died. He finally arrived and I was a excited. After a quick embrace we chatted for a minute and I put his bags in the living room closet. He headed to the bathroom and I was right behind him. As he stepped in the shower I sat on the counter with my legs crossed. It was an old habit. We would always keep each other company in the bathroom. I'd take a bath and he'd sit on the side of the tub telling me how his day went and vice versa. After he got out of the shower I insisted on whipping up something to eat. He declined only to offer that he cooked. I had to see this. Perched on the counter top I giggled as Ty made his way around the kitchen. That had to be the toasted peanut butter and jelly I had ever eaten. We laughed at the memories that the infamous pb&j came with. It was getting late. Tycal cleaned the mess up as I excused myself to the little girls room. When I returned, to my surprise, Tycal was preparing the couch to sleep on. I said my good night and retreated to my room. Back in my cozy bed yet sleep wouldn't come to me. How can I be so comfortable and still not able to fall asleep? Right then it hit me. I grabbed my phone and sent a text. A few minutes later Tycal was sliding into my bed. I handed him an extra pillow because I knew he had to sleep with threes pillows. He turned on his side and slightly lifted his leg. Ty tapped my but and without looking I placed my ankle between his calves. We knew each other so well. Without a word we drifted off. My comfort was complete.
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