

Oh my! I haven't seriously blogged in quite a while. It's not like I haven't been thinking about it or wanting to. I have. I really have but I haven't been inspired. I've been singing that Kelly Rowland song Motivation, yet I have none. On top of that I have a case of writer's block. My sexually creative mind isn't even working. If I start to write it feels so forced so I stop & then it gets lost or accidentally deleted. Most of the time I don't approve of the quality of my writings. It blows because I love to write. I love to draw out these vivid pictures with my words and now ... I can't. OH!!! How could I forget everything I write is under the fucking microscope. "Who is this about?", "Was that to me?", "You're so negative." I get tired of it. Not everything is about someone or something I've gone through. I have a creative mind too, ya know? Hopefully my blockage comes to an end soon. I need that release.

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