
It's The Little Things

It's knowing all the words to your favorite song. It's your favorite pair of jeans that fit to perfection. That cold bottle of water on a really got summer day. The joy of knowing someone is thinking of you. Or the smell of your favorite perfume/cologne. It's laughing so hard that you cry. That random call that makes you smile. The feeling of new undies. It's dancing until you can't breathe. Hearing that one song that reminds you of them. It's spelling a word right after you thought it was incorrect. Hearing your favorite song sung by your favorite artist....acapella. It's that feeling you get when you're about to walk in the club. Birthday texts at 11:59 p.m. on your birthday. It's not talking but just bein together. That awkward moment when you catch someone cute staring at you. Reading a story that makes you say "Daaamn shawty!" It's long kisses goodbye. It's like hearing a secret. First date jitters. Knowing who's next to die in the horror movie. It's being complimented on your work. Watching a football game with homies. It's reciprocity. It's forehead kisses in a tight embrace. It's catching your significant other in the wrong. That freaky song that makes you snap your fingers as soon as the song comes on. Yo drunken auntie at the family funtion yellin "That's my jam!" It's that 5 a.m. text saying "i love you". It's that first bite of a great meal.  It's knowing that you can trust them.

1 comment:

  1. its da way she squinches her face up when she gets a disturbin txt or when you get rite ina bed after a shower its da smell of ya moms cookin ehen u r starved
