
A Random Thought

It kills me that guys be so insecure. Seriously I think they are more insecure than women. They will say they don't care yet they say lil slick shit about situations. If you didn't care you wouldn't say anything stupid. Pisses me all the way off at how they always think someone is always talkin about them. SHUT UP.! You make yourself look so lame and weak. Then you got the ones who call their chick every 10 minutes & text, tweet, aim, facebook, myspace, black planet, send a pigeon in between phone calls. If you have to do all that you shouldn't be with that girl. Duuuuuuh. Lets not forget the guys who get mad when placed in the "friend-zone". What the fuck makes you so special as to be something more than a friend.? Uhhhh please go sit down. I hate to hear guys bitch about males friends. Ummm just because they are friends doesn't mean they are sexin. Once again you make yourself look LAME & WEAK.! This is actually making me mad because I know alot of guys who claim not to care & who yell "fuck bitches. get money", yet the be on social sites with violins and stuff. UBER LAME & ULTRA WEAK. Grow a set.!

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