

You ever felt yourself slipping away? Like..You feel your bones cracking from the weight of the world on your shoulders. You want to give up because you know you can't take it anymore. You don't want want to hear the lies. Tired of the arguing. Sick of reality itself. As a kid you'd never have fathomed how much stress growing up brought. Relationships with people make everything more exasperating. It's always SOMETHING with SOMEONE. You're too close with this person. Or not close enough with that one. Hanging with certain people start to circulate certain rumors. Ugh. Then you bite your tongue for the sake of peace amongst others. Life at home is  no better. You trust them about as much as you would trust a stranger. As a matter of fact you'd probably trust a stranger more for a stranger would probably judge you less than what your family does. May even sympathize with you. Try to understand you even. Then one day you wake up and you can't take it anymore. You're tired of the lies. The rumors. The back stabbing. The questioning. The emotions. The fake smiles & whispers of people who claim to be your friend. The people who are supposed to be close to you letting people drag your name through the mud and not having enough courtesy to at least say " I'm not trying to hear that ", yet they'll report it to you and not want to say who said what. How can you call yourself a friend if you won't say whose chipping away at your image behind your back? "Bros ain't bros" is a saying that is proven to be true time after time again. Unable to handle the burdens anymore you feel yourself goin crazy. You don't want to but you feel the malice thoughts creeping into your brain from the depths of you. A darl place that you are quite fond of. You left that place long ago and you don't want to go there again. Yet you have no choice. You want everyone who has hurt you to feel what you feel. You want them to hurt. BADLY. You can't stop the tears from cascading down your face and drenching your shirt...It's inevitable you're losin it. What do you do.?

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