
This Is What I Do

For those of you who have Ipods ya'll definitely know about this. I took my Ipod of the charger, plugged in my headphones, (of course not those white ones that come with. everyone knows those go out like a month after purchase.) then I put my purp on shuffle.! The first song was a mellow song so I started tappin my foot & noddin my head. Next song that came on was hella live.! I had to get up & dance. Twirlin' & singin' loud as if I were in the middle of nowhere all alone. Song after song I just kept feelin' the music. Kept dancin'. Kept vibin'. When I seen these pictures...I said "THAT LOOKS LIKE ME, MAN.!" Don't front like I'm the only one who does stuff like this. You people who can't dance have probably made up a dance or two to asong you like. Sheeeesh. It's fun & for me it's a stress reliever. Just vibe with the music. Sing if you wanna. Dance if you must. Whatever you do...just let go.!

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