
Can't Be Lovers

Have you ever felt strongly for someone yet you knew nothing could ever be? You've grown to know this person and have accepted their flaws and fears. Their negatives along with the positives that they contain. Is it the fact that your pasts are so damaged that it may be a problem to the future? Or is it what your friends will say if they found out you'd go steady with "their kind"? Maybe it's the choice of friends you have. The negative ones. Pointing out any wrong doings they see fit. "She doesn't dress girly always." "He smokes all the time." "He's always hanging out with the fellas" "She has too many male friend." No matter the case you know there is a grand possibility that it will not work out in your favor. So in the meantime what are you doing? Occupying each other until another comes along? Just enjoying the sex? If you think about it carefully, you're only making the road to departure worse. At the end of that road someone is bound to be hurt.

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