

I nestle my head on his shoulder & inhale deeply. Instantly, I recognize the faint scent of Versace Black Jeans. I smile to myself and melt into his strong embrace. We don't speak the words that we both are thinking for actions speak louder than words. His hands caress my spine as he buries his head deeper into my neck. I feel like a shy little school girl with a crush when he shows me this kind of affection. At times he treats me like a friend. Others we are more than friends. I cherish the gestures fore I don't know if in the next instance they will continue. My grip tightens around his neck & draw myself closer to him. He hugs me tighter. I inhale again, deeper this time. As I exhale I place a subtle & sweet kiss on his shoulder. Another one on his neck. His check. Finally, an ever so sensual kiss on the corner of his mouth. His eyes close as his tongue tries to penetrate my mouth. Quickly I move & place yet another kiss upon the corner of his mouth. This one a tad bit wetter than the first. A slight moan escapes the lips that my body yearn for. I nestle my head & inhale deeply once again.

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