
That's My Attitude

All these people say "Ursy, you rude" "Why you so mean, Urs.?" "She always got an attitude"...Let me tell you something. Shut the (bleep) up.! Gosh.! You don't have to (bleep) deal with my (bleep) attitude. Seriously, I don't wake up with an attitude most days. Some (bleep) pisses me off. Like let me be in my own little world with my purp & my book by my lonesome. Please don't (bleep) with me if my headphones are in and you hear my tunes turned up sky (bleep) high.! (bleep)'s wrong with you.? You are seriously askin to get cussed out. That's fine by me though. I don't mind. But what I do mind is the aftermath. After the hurricane hits you wanna (bleep) & complain because you weren't prepared, yet and still, you brought it upon yoself. That's like kickin a live beehive & not expecting to get stung. Dumb (bleep). So...I say if you don't like my attitude leave me the (bleep) alone.

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