
The New Fad

Pregnancy is the new fad.?

i must have missed the memo. Like seriousLy everyone is turning up pregnant. wtf is wrong w. these girLs.? why yu wanna go nd do tht now L0Ve.? to keep tht guy.? psshhh. most of the new parents aint even 2gthr.! i h8 goin to babyshowers. heLL i h8 kids. i h8 whiney bitches compLain abt this and tht...shuuut uuup. yu shuLdnt have foLLowed the trend. DUUUh.! LoL its a few exceptions...Lik my gf. but aLL the other bird brains is out here bein singLe parents bkuz they were tryin to keep tht N0 G00D ASS NiGGA. HA.! thts wht the fuck they get. psshhh wen i turn up w a prego ego it 4 damn sure wnt be to trap a LiL boy. i hope by tht time the trend is over.!!!

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