
FeeLing Lik BLaH.!

have yu ever jus feLt Lik...b La H.!? Lik yur N0T quite happy. yur N0T quite sad. yur jus. . .b La H. LoL thts how i feeL right now. i h8 this feeLin. i dnt know wht to do w. myseLf. im sure most of us hav. yu start to do somethin but haLfway thru yur Lik "this aint even wht i wanna do." shit is crazy man. i wanna be w. someone but then again i dnt. b La H is unsure state. a state of uncertainty. i dnt even know if thts wht i wanted to say but oh weLL no backspacin for this. this is Lik my rawest post right now. LoL. im N0T even reaLLy Laughin.! aint tht craaazy.? i guess so. weLL...im gonna be b La h untiL it fades away.!

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