
I'm So Trey.!

aLL of yaLL know how i feeL about Mr. Songz...I L0Ve him and his music. There isn't one song that he has put out that i dont Like. i wiLL argue anyone down about this mans vocaL taLents. dont beLieve me...? TRY me. in my opinion he is underrated. he doesn't get enough props. he's been out for a coooooL minute and his fan base has just now expanded. he's just now getting the recognition that he shouLd have been getting.! yu ppL are bananas. Guess yu dnt know reaL taLent at 1st sight. psshhh. i suppose but...im so trey.!!!

A Few Bangers.!!!
  • pLay house
  • Last time
  • store run
  • onLy girL
  • i don't Love you
  • sticky face
  • aLLthe ifs
  • your behind
  • cheat on you
  • ego (cover)
  • in the middLe
  • infideLity
  • scratchin' me up

  • wonder woman

  • can't heLp but wait

  • brand new

  • missin you

  • i gotta go

  • grub on

  • roLe pLay

  • we shouLd be
and many many more. yaLL do me a favor and get on ya trey Loves. its songz...YEEEUUUP.!!!

Girl Tonite (Featuring Trey Songz) (video) BET version Amended Album Version audio - Big D

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