
The DST.

okay this one is a tad bit...expLicit...

i was having a conversation with one of my favorite guys. we were taLkin abt sex. (nothing new) and he was so caLLed "schooLin" me on guys and sex. one area in particuLar. this is funny to me. he teLLs me "if you gonna suck d*** and pLay wit a n****s b***s then be carefuL. s*** them joints are so sensitive." this was jus funny to me. he proceed to say "a girL knows if she can suck on my b***s if she passes the 'd*** suckin test'"

now for those of you who are Like me and never knew what that was i'LL expLain. its the test to see if yur canines aka yur fangs scratch a guys penis wen yu are oraLLy pLeasing him. if yu do N0T then its a go to suck on his b***s.

remember b4 yu decide to suck a man testicLes yu'd better pass tht test. if N0T consequences may occur. such as...
  • being punched in the forehead.
  • being caLLed out of yur name
  • being denied sex
  • no return phone caLLs
  • he may fuck one of yur friends faces.
so do be carefuL.

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