
Prima Favorita

My Favorite Girl
Tiffny. My Day One. My Ace. My Heart. What more can I say about her. We been down since knee high. It's nothing that I won't do for her because I know she would do it for me. We never had a fight or even an argument. I can call her up in tears & she is gonna listen then give me the best advice she can conjure up. If I ever got rich it would be me & her. If I got it, she got it. If I don't then I'm going to try to get it for her. I hate to see her or hear her cry. It hurts my heart. Mi prima favorita, is one person who I trust. Like really, trust! If anything were to happen to that beautiful young woman I'd lose my mind like when my daddy died. Yes it's that serious. She has never low blowed me. Never betrayed me. Never hurt me. Nothing. 21 years and we never had bad blood or a spilled secret. To one of the reasons my heart beats...I thank you & I love you.

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