
Do Unto Others

If you don't want your girlfriend flirt.it Don't do it yourself. If you don't want your boyfriend hanging with a bunch of females. Don't hang with a bunch of males. It's simple, yeah? Yeah. Now if you are insecure and you get all paranoid and don't want your girl/boyfriend doing such yet you still do it...something is wrong with that picture. I don't think you have the right to say anything about what they do if you continue to disrespect them. Anything else would be uncivilized. Am I wrong? Of course not. Me? I get spiteful. If you ask me to stop & I do it yet you continue I'm going to do or say whatever I want whenever I want to whomever I please. If you don't like it...go jump off a bridge, kill yoself, & die extra slow. It's all about RECIPROCITY (don't know what that means look it up). Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

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