

It's crazy. The people that I used to confide in I don't dare utter private words to. No love lost just a transfer of. I don't feel the same as I used to. It isn't because of new friendterests. It's because I have opened my eyes on a number of things. It's not bad or anything as such. I just re-evaluated our relationships. I shouldn't have to always initiate contact if you are my "friend" as much I am yours. If I text you "good morning" 6 days out of the week, on the 7th, if I don't that's your que. I don't do things looking for a return but the moment I can't do for you I am replaced by one who can. That's fine by me. Just know I am not going to work overtime to be in a higher position. Especially if you don't work the slightest bit for me. Some one once said "Ppl claim to do stuff out of the kindness of their hearts, yet bring up the good deeds they've done in every disagreement/argument" This may be true. I also think that people are quick to point out your negatives & disreguard your positives. So worried about the bad times that the good are brushed under a rock. That is also fine by me. I refuse to care. If a person isn't able to except their hand in a good friendship slowly going bad then I won't force anyone's hand. If you aren't willing to salvage a friendship with me neither am I. And it isn't because I'm "weak". It's not because I'm "cranky" either. I'm not being a "bitch" I'm simply done showing concern when one doesn't show equal concern. Like I said before, no love lost simply a transfer of. I love me more than I love you & I'll be damned if I stress myself out trying to fix a friendship alone.

Posted via Blogaway

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