

I used to crush on him when we first met. He was everything I liked in a guy. Not too tall but taller than me. Nice body frame. He wasn't skinny but he wasn't chubby. He was lean & had a little muscle definition. He had big dark brown eyes accompanied by long, gorgeous eyelashes that I get lost in periodically. Aside from his physical attributes, he was outgoing. A very lively spirit and just as witty as me. As time passed he proved to be an awesome friend. I could text or call him and he'd always know the right things to say to calm me down or perk me up. Over the three years we've developed a tight bond. We understand each other and we don't even have to explain. I think it was kind of destined for us to meet, dance, and be friends. I think very highly of my friend. He is young yet wise & he's very ambitious. I hope my future boyfriend is able to cope with him being around. To lose a friend like him would be one of life's greatest loses.
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