
Happy New Year

Welcome to 2011. I'm so very late on my first 2011 post. I hope all of my readers enjoyed their holiday season. I enjoyed food, family, friends, and good times. I felt really good that I got so many people gifts. My daddy would have been so very proud of me. I spent my New Year's Eve with friends & brought the new year in with my family. My favorite cousin, my ace, my day one, my heart, turned 21 on the first day of 2011. I was proud that I didn't get wasted. I had a few drinks but I wasn't inebriated. Major New Year's accomplishment for me. I didn't make any of those tacky resolutions that people usually make. I started in October/November. I don't feel the need to disclose them on this post. They are my own personal promises to myself that I've been doing a good job at. There have been a few minor situations 18 days into this year that I've encountered. I won't let them get me off centered though. Hope all of you are sticking to your guns with your resolutions. I wish anyone reading this a blessed & prosperous year. Peace & Love.
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