
No Competition

How can I compete? An opponent that captivates all of his attention. I don't find it fair that she's allowed to go to the club and have a good time while I'm forced to stay at home. Alone. How am I to feel when you confide in her. Spilling your deepest secrets to her while I pry & pester you for your thoughts and feelings. Jealousy overwhelms me when you run to her when we have a problem. Why not come to me? Why not talk to me instead of that devil in disguise? This relationship for three is something that I never could have fathomed. To save myself from hurt and embarrassment I will bow out gracefully. To an opponent that I will never compete with. Call me weak or timid. Insecure may ooze from your lips that her poisonous juices have stained. I will not lose you to a battle with the bottle. Alcohol you are the victor in this battle of his love.
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