
November 25th, 2010

I don't agree with this holiday. Puritans came to North America & bullied the Native Americans. Learned their ways & then conquered them. So.....what this "holiday" is signifying is the conquering of the Natives. Way To Go Pilgrims.
On another note...I am very thankful for my life. This thing gets very hectic but I love it. As I love the people in my life.
First, my family. I can't stand them most of the time. They always be on some type bullshit. Always arguing, fussin, cussin, fightin, gossipin, & carryin on but we stay down for each other. We love each other & at the end of the day...that's all that matters.!
I am thankful for my extended families. I love em all. Kisses.
To my good friends... I am thankful for all of you and if not every day, every other day I tell you how much I love yall. My Twin (claudia) I love yo whole life. I know I can always count on you. You stay holdin me down with all that good ol quarter baby lovin. My bnL (shanesha)... Man. I went from not likin you to lovin you in a matter of years. Lol I thought you were gonna steal my besfrn. Booooy was I wrong. You get me through some of my bad days with your ever so encouraging words & prayers. I love you. Locito....awwwe chu papas. Lol you most certainly do alot for me. Always lookin out for me. I appreciate that. We had our ugly times....reeeeaal ugly times but we overcame it fairly well. Looooooove. To my lil papacito, my only Jizito, my beautiful. No matter how much we disagree. Get into minor fall outs over petty stuff. Go without talkin. I know I got a good friend in you. Even on yo off days you stay on for me. Lol "my friends told me that when you leave yo socks on the couch means you love me or something." Lol thank you.! My fav. (Ry.Jones) you know I love your entire life. We've put some years on our belt. It's a real unspoken connection with us. We just get each other & it been that way since day one.! I can always get that tough love from you. And you don't ever judge my randomness or me period. Keith & Tiff. My left and right. Lol I dont even have enough words to express how thankful I am for you two. Last but not least my STINKY.! Omg. I love him to death. He done pushed me away & I never left his side. He stay havin my back. I cant fathom my life without that man. I don't care what nobody says, blood couldnt make us nooooooo closer. We got an undying unconditional uncensored kinda love and he holds one of the keys to my heart. My 2 loving and caring best friends. Yall know what it is.! I tell yall EVERYDAY. Nikkole, Nick, Jonathan, Shy Guy, I love and appreciate yall.
To the people that didnt make it. Thanks for exiting my life. Some of you didnt leave calmly and quietly. It's okay. I trying to better myself so...thanks for whatever we had. And thank you even more for being who you are.
Lets go COWBOYS.!

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