
Finger Pointing

You see everyone points the finger at others. Thinking that they're "keepin it real". "i'm just sayin". "just keepin it one hunnet". That's what people honestly believe. I've even pointed my finger at others as well. Yet what you don't realize is there are THREE fingers pointing back at you.! So to the girl calling another girl ratchet, you've probably been there before yourself. That guy that's saying the next guy is fake is 9 times out of 10 just as fake. If not more. The boy/man that constantly downs women has no room to talk. That is the most popular case. A guy calling a woman a ho, whore, slut, trick, tramp, ratchet, etc...yet he has slept with her Godsister, cousin, ex-best friend, new best friend, arch enemy, and if given the opportunity he'd probably screw her mother. How can he really talk.? Or there's that one girl who calls all the other girls out on how many guys she's had sex with yet her number is probably higher than the rest. The only difference is hers was more low profile than the other girls she constantly downs. Everyone is guilty of passing judgement on someone tho we were not in better predicaments. Then you have people who are name slayers. Girls that get drunk and have sex with guys then blame the alcohol or say someone took advantage of them once their love/lust interest finds out. Guys who throw homies & bros under the bus once they get discovered pushing up on someones girlfriend, boo, baby mama, etc. No one has room to talk about nooooo one. Truth be told, if there was a big pow wow, round table, sit down, conference, or whatever you want to call it...alot of people would be getting called out. Make no mistake about what I'm sayin...I am no different. This is not to down anyone or put anyone out there. I'm just speaking in general. If you fit the category then you may want to watch who you are trying to degrade to make yourself look better.

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