
This Is Me.

i'v never been the type to care if i'm weLL Liked or not.
i never was into what everyone eLse did just because the next person was doin it.
i can't say i haven't done my fair share of dirt.
never wiLL you hear or see me be submissive to the mind of ignorance.
i'm human...for the most part.
i cry.
i get attitudes.
i Laugh at the most awkward moments.
i'm a sucker for a pretty smiLe and an intoxicating scent.
on a man that is.
i Look at women. i'm not Lesbian tho.
i confide in a handfuL of ppL that i trust.
i don't have the best reLationships w. my famiLy. i'm okay w. it tho.
 i stiLL L0Ve them...most of the time.
music is my Life.!!!
my ears are oLd and my taste is ecLectic.
 i Lik to dance, eat, fight, cuddLe, be a bitch.
i get scared and sometimes i'm insecure but i'LL never Let you see me sweat.
 this is me at the end of the day.
i'm 100% comfortabLe with who i am, are you.?

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