
New Hotness.

So i heard this song a whiLe back nd i onLy knew a seLect amount of words. but i L0Ved the heLL outta tht song. so i decided to research it. come to find out it was by a chick named MeLanie Fiona nd the song was "Give It To Me Right". yu know me once i hear something i Lik its a wrap. i youtubed nd googLed this chick nd i discovered she is REAL. i fucks w. her. i Lik her sound nd wht her songs are abt. i'd definiteLy buy her aLbum. a few of her songs are...
  • give it to me right
  • teach him
  • it kiLLs me
  • somebody come get me
she aLso did a few covers of other artists songs tht are H0T. dnt beLieve me. jus Listen for yurseLf. i mean...why wuLd i Lie.?

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