
To Be Petite

For a long time I thought that I was ugly. I wad a frail little thing growing up. Always the shortest & always the skinniest. Then in the fifth grade I was forced to get eyeglasses. So now I'm this short, skinny girl with glasses who no one knows because I changed schools a lot. Bummer. I got into middle school and felt completely out of place. By then I had tons of friends. Everyone in my fifth grade culminating class went to the same middle school just about. I was pretty popular but my main girls were thicker than me. They were taller. Had fuller breast & butts. Then there was I. The stick of the group. The skinny jokes never stopped. Even at home they continued. Teased & taunted by my older siblings I got mad. I was actually beyond mad. I was raging with fury. Sometimes I cried. They called me "skinny minnie" "anorexic" "walking sticks". The names followed me all the way into high school. For some reason, in high school I wasn't as insecure. It bothered me but not as much as when I was younger. One of my classmates, may his soul rest in peace, said to me "You are cute to be so damn skinny. Do you eat?" It was the rudest compliment I'd ever gotten. I thought to myself that beauty came in all sizes. From then on I didn't worry about what anyone had to say. I was a nice lookin young woman. I was blessed enough to not have horrible acne like some of my friends. I was fairly cute. Guys tried to get at me. At the time, my long-time boyfriend, told me something I'd never forget. "Babe, Don't worry about being thick. You don't need extra weight to be considered pretty or beautiful. I love your petite frame and I think you should too." He was right. Though, the taunting and jokes still continue, it doesn't bother me. Thank you Anthony Fontain & Kenneth L. Carter. :-*
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