

Dates in the day time
at a Location where yu peers or whispering eyes wiLL not reveal us.
We enjoy the company
of one another.
I more than yu
for this is onLy but routine for yu.
Discreet gatherings
in which names are not important nd faces are a bLur.
Secret kisses
as we pass by each other in the haLLway.
A tender embrace
upon my heart says this is right.
Yet the reaLity
of mind knows otherwise.
After sLeeping 2gthr;
no not in a sexuaL sense.
In a comforting
manner tht gives off a faLse impression.
Off to a pLace
in which we shaLL dweLL onLy for a moment.
RoLLing around in the sheets
being the ppL no one sees behind cLosed doors.
Clothes strewn across
the fLoor in the resuLt of our Love.
On second thoughts,
our mutuaL feeLing of Lust.
FaLLing asLeep
nvr feLt so good Laying in each others embrace.
Nd jus Lik tht
our time is spent.
We'LL share one
Last kiss nd then part ways.
W. the fresh memory of our encounter...

untiL nxt time.

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