
At a Loss for Words

my knowLedge of the engLish vernacuLar wiLL not aLLow me to convey these feeLings that i have for you. i get tongue tied w. butterfLies and studders whiLe tryna hide...the bLush of my cheeks. in which you see every time you Look at me. ME Looks great next to you. you. you. YOU are the one that makes me want to speak another Language. oh how i promesse de pinky avec un baiser. 0o0o0o0o YOU make ME sound better in french. HA I'm crazy. si estoy Loco para tu. tu. tu oops...i mean YOU make ME do things I've never done. pLus you make me sound better in spanish than in french. french... ... ...MmMmMmM cant think of a word that but it's okay you wont mind the scheme of my rhyme you know, my rhyme scheme. you accept me fLaws and aLL. naw naw. I'm no B. you ain't gotta put a ring on it. just yet that is. see because before the joint bank accounts, the white house, and the kids i need the time to show YOU make ME feeL. i can hoLd off on that recinto di pickett bLanco. see how YOU make ME sound in itaLian.? thats white picket fench. . . .there goes my word that rhymes with french. YOU heLp ME to make sense. since i met YOU i think i'd give my Last few cents to use the sense in which we Love with. see there i go again. aLL discombobuLated. wie aLbern von mir. damn it is that german.? You make ME sound good even in german. boy oh boy now im running out of words and Languages. guess words reaLLy cant describe or come cLose to me defining what i sense for you. Yu....no. no. no. see its Like...thats not it either. i guess my knowLedge of the engLish vernacuLar wiLL not aLLow me to convey these feeLings that i have for you. nor spanish, or itaLian, german or french. . . . guess i'LL Learn more words and Languages.!

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