
Bad Guy

It really baffles me as to how one can go above and beyond for a "LOVED ONE" yet the minute they slip...they become the bad guy. After many favors that weren't returned with a "Thank You" or a mere "Good Lookin' Out". That would definitely make one feel unappreciated. Or even worse...taken advantage of. If a person has always been there for you, cancelling plans, resceduling things, and droppin damn near everything for you, I don't believe that waiting 10minutes until they tended to someone else. People are so emotionally selfish. Caring of only their feelings and pouting when things don't go their way. How could you give the cold shoulder to someone who tries their best to always be there for you.? A person who does things out of the kindness of their heart.? Someone who bends backwards for you.? And you push them away.? You may want to rethink the next time you make someone the bad guy. That so called "bad guy" that you mistreat will eventually STOP doing things for you. They won't be there for you when you want or need. They will treat you in the way that they feel you treat them. Even if it hurts them to do so. So you ask yourself...Who's REALLY the BAD GUY.!

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