
Take Me High

Sometimes I feel so alone in this world. I feel like no one understands nor do they care. As if I'm the only one who cares about what happens to me. When the tears flow the beat catches them. The bass is my shoulder to cry on. The lyrics become my tissue. I walk hand in hand with the melody as it takes me to places I've never been. Hi hats got me skippin Like M.J. in The Wiz. Sheeesh i feel as if I'm floatin on cloud nine. Maybe even higher. Higher. Higher. Higher with every record. I can't help but to close my eyes and soar above the clouds. Wait!!! What's happening.? Why am I falling.? What's going on.? Faster and faster I drop. The music is fading. B00M...I hit hard. 0uch. My how reality hurts.

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