
the most annoying things

s0o0o0oo... me nd BiLLy Bad Ass were taLkin Last night abt things tht annoy us the most nd this is the stuff tht jus fLuff our feathers.!!! (LoL i sound Lik an oLd person)

wen ppL get on their significant others aways nd hav them Looong ass msg sayin absoLuteLy nothing.! hows abt yu shut the fuck up. yu taLkin shit as if ppL care. "oh this is 'such and such' on ma babes aways say fuhk u h8r azz niggaz nd raachet azz bitches...bLah bLah bLah we gon be 2gthr ALWAYz nd 4EVER"....next week they're broken up.! get over it.!

i h8 wen ppL type Lik this -------> MaN tOdAy WaS a GoOd DaY. or Lik this -------> iim soo tiired oof myy niiggaa & hiiss bullshiit. buut fuucc iit iim goon doo mee liikee ayyeee.!

pLz knock it the fuck off.!

i h8 wen guys say "fuck bitches.! get money.! m.o.e.!' buuuut then they turn around nd saaay "i wish i had a girL to kick it wit. man i need a lady. bLahzay bLahzaaay" Lik nigga make up yur mind. nd quit fkn w. bitches nd get yu a woman or a Lady.! duh. tht be the same nigga tht ask yu to hoLd 30$ untiL wenever. LmFa0 oh yea yu'z a reaL rich nigga aLright.!

when chiLdish coupLes bLow up a break up or frequent break-ups for tht matter sooOOo HUGE . . . whn they know they`re gonna gt back 2gthr :-\. . . >:o dnt call me txt me deLete ma #. . .fuck yu i hate yu . .bLahbLah. .telln they friends "im cool on him/her" n thn they Lovey dovey tha nxt week or two :-!
whn certain "speciaL beings" feeL the need to act out of desire for attention. Whether writing certain shxt in aways thnkng they`re intimidating someone whn they`re far frm wat they tLk thmseLves up to be ! .. or acting out in pubLic thnkng that is they speak a certain way && carry thmseLves in a certain manner othrs wiLL b intimidated . . .whn they Look fooLish n its sad they feeL the need to do so to buiLd seLf -confidence .
chicks who tLk that taLk & are nowhr near that waLk. the kind that dont evn wear tha knock off gucci or gt they hair done.. they post up n sweats beaters/tees etc. ALL THA TIME. . but yet u oso "bomb" n ain`t nobody on your LeveL. The kind tht has ABSOlUTELy NOTHING to show for it
ppL who " got it but don`t know how to act with it " . .. . dudes w money . . .feeLing the need to express thmseLves via fLossin` .. .. . I undrstnd ur happy u got $. .. .but now tht u up thr can u chiLL n kick back Like 1ne ? its obvious tht ur a rookie n those r the main maLes tht attract femaLes w materiaL thngs && turn arnd n tLk abt how much they hate goLd diggers ! .. YOU decided to portray tht image baLLer boy
niggas nd bitches who brag abt they sex Lik its jus to die for buuut wen it comes down to it they cnt hang worth a damn. a few humps nd a few drags then its Limp as a cooked spaghetti noodLe. booooy get yo stamina up Lik reeeeaL shit.!
Lets N0T forget the nigga tht say they h8 a vertain type of girL yet yu stiLL fkn w. tht certain type of girL.! uMmMmM upgrade my nigga, upgrade. nd if N0T shut the fuck up.! cLearLy yu aint the type to attract another type of femaLe.!!! get over yurseLf nd stop bLaming the girL wen its reaLLy yu.!
when maLes feeL the need to front in front of their boys Like they dont Love/Like a chick they`re invoLved with. . .n mke the situation seem Like its reaLLy ntn heont sweat it. . but yet whispern sweet nothings to the chick n teLL`n her the compLete opp.
girLs who gang bang. N00000000000T cute. N0T cute at aLL bro. Lik yu think bein at risk to get shot, jumped, raped (bkuz yur a femaLe), stabbed, kiLLed, etc is okay.? stay away from me LiL Lady.! stay away from me.!
ppl who feeL the need to create Lie after Lie . . . buiLding up a faLse persona just to feeL accepted ,, bcuz they arent comfortabLe w thmseLves -obviousLy- . . .be yourseLf ! Wat matters is how u feeL abt urseLf NOT wat othrs thnk of you
ppL who say 'there's no such thing as a dumb question'. yur a fkn Liar.! yes there is.! thts the dumbest statement known to man.!
uMmMmM guys who supposed to be grown men...but yu typin Lik... cuhkz. nd Lmnhckao nd aLL kind of other stuff. f.y.i. reaL grown men dnt do tht honey. im jus tryna teLL yu tho bro.!

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