
This Morning

I inhale deeply as the crisp, cool air hits my face. Watching the sun creep across the horizon as my Pandora player plays music that soothes my soul. So many thoughts as my body adjusts to the coolness of the nippy climate. It's so beautiful. The distant blend of hues that illuminate the morning sky. I take a seat & let my mind wonder as I stare at the orangish red sky with just a hint of purple & a touch of pink. It looks as if the Heavens were ablaze and the result, the Earth so alluring yet so neglected by many. The multi-colored firmament has a seemingly calming affect on me. As if I am peace with myself. Everything that troubled my mind minutes before seemed to have vanished. I inhale deeply again. I feel harmonious. My mind, body, and soul were both relaxed as I stared into the sky. What a wonderful feeling. To be in such a state of tranquility is one that I wish upon all who are under all sorts of stress. Harboring bad thoughts about whatever burden they are facing in life. No matter how insignificant. We all this sort of relaxation.

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