Last night i cried myseLf to sLeep because you were not there. i tossed and turn and yearned for you to be by my side. to feeL your touch. to smeLL your scent. thats aLL i needed to soothe me. i thought i heard you in the haLL yet when i jumped up and caLLed out "baby is that you.?" you didn't respond. fore you were not there.
today i waited for you to come home. i sat on the step with my head in my hands untiL you came. 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour and you stiLL hadn't showed up. a deep sigh of disgust. then it cLicked. maybe you were aLready in the house taking a nap. so i knocked. and i knocked. and i knocked. then i caLLed. no answer. i rapped on the door. yeLLing your name and the door never swung open. for you were not there.
another night and another day. another and another. did you go on vacation and didn't teLL me.? oh "maybe your at your moms" i thought aLoud. suddenLy a Light buLb went off. i knew why you were not answering me. why you kept standing me up. why you never came around anymore and why you were not there.
i cried. oh how i cried. in fact, im crying right now. i reaLized that you wiLL never be there when i caLL you anymore. i shouLd stop expecting you from now on. no more thinking that your there because you won't be....physicaLLy. aLL i can ask is that daddy you watch over me.
confessions of a broken hearted girL
okay. i h8 wen girLs bLame their fouL ass moods on their freaking menstruaL cycLes. ( for those of yu men tht dnt know...thts their PERi0D) Lik yu fLip out nd say dumb shit to a guy nd then reaLize yu fucked up nd the 1st thing out of yur mouth is "im sorry. im so emotionaL. its bkuz im on my period.!" BiTCH quit Lyin.! yu knew yu fucked around nd sed some crazy shit to a nigga.! yu knew he was gon fuck around nd do some shit or say something tht yu knew yu cuLdnt handLe.! booooy i teLL yu. yu need to quit bLamin tht shit on yur monthLy. yu give niggas a right away to say "yu must be on yo period" wen yu cop an attitude or yu N0T in the mood. 0WN UP T0 BEIN A BITCH S0METIMES.! sheeeeeeesh. its in a womans nature to be bitchy sometimes. jus dnt say tht the bLoody drip is the cause.
Men. yu need to stop sayin tht the reason we mad. N0.!!! sometimes we get tired of yur asses nd we wanna be Left the fuck aLone. i know sometimes i jus wanna be in my own LiL worLd. chiLLin. N0T deaLin w. nobody nd here yu cLusterfucks come ndbother a girL. damn Leave ME BE. it aint nothing jus get Lik tht sometimes yu dig me.? the period is N0T the cause of every mood swings. sometimes it be yo weak ass sex game.! or yur ridicuLous habits tht she cnt stand but nvr say nothing abt.! the List goes on nd on nd on.!!!
in cLosing i'd jus Lik to say. stop using the menstruaL cycLe aka the period for excuses. the onLy one it shuLd be used for is "WE CNT HAVE SEX.!" . . . oh nd i cnt go swimming/to the beach.
=) Saucy Mc.Rude =)
Men. yu need to stop sayin tht the reason we mad. N0.!!! sometimes we get tired of yur asses nd we wanna be Left the fuck aLone. i know sometimes i jus wanna be in my own LiL worLd. chiLLin. N0T deaLin w. nobody nd here yu cLusterfucks come ndbother a girL. damn Leave ME BE. it aint nothing jus get Lik tht sometimes yu dig me.? the period is N0T the cause of every mood swings. sometimes it be yo weak ass sex game.! or yur ridicuLous habits tht she cnt stand but nvr say nothing abt.! the List goes on nd on nd on.!!!
in cLosing i'd jus Lik to say. stop using the menstruaL cycLe aka the period for excuses. the onLy one it shuLd be used for is "WE CNT HAVE SEX.!" . . . oh nd i cnt go swimming/to the beach.
=) Saucy Mc.Rude =)
Age Aint Nothing But A Number
" Age aint nothing but a number
"Age aint nothing but a number.!" A phrase we've heard time and time again. when i thinak of it i Laugh. Is it me or oLd men, young boys, fast ass girLs, and oLd LoneLy women use that phrase.? Most of the time the ppL from those categories are ugLy or have some kind of obvious fauLt. For example; bad teeth, nappy hair, ugLy face, they are dusty, cant dress, etc. You get where im comin from right.? Have you ever heard a handsome guy with confidence and swag say "Oh you 16.? You know age aint nothing but a number.?" Or a woman with her shit 2gthr and thats in her right mind. N0.! WeLL at Least i havnt. its onLy the ones in the categories i Listed.
AaLiyah made a song abt it & was messin w. R.keLLy. Didnt he catch a court case for messing w. underaged girLs.? Im just sayin.! Then he got hit w. a court case. Pretty Ricky made a song abt it. Then their members showed homosexuaL tendencies(spectacuLar). Hmmm makes you wonder doesn't it.?
PersonaLLy age is more than just a number. You shouLd stick to a certain bracket. If your 50 years oLd don't get a man thats the same age as your 25 year oLd son. If your a man thats 35 dont fuckin prowL on girLs who just got hair on their cho cha's.! Its onLy right.!
"Age aint nothing but a number.!" A phrase we've heard time and time again. when i thinak of it i Laugh. Is it me or oLd men, young boys, fast ass girLs, and oLd LoneLy women use that phrase.? Most of the time the ppL from those categories are ugLy or have some kind of obvious fauLt. For example; bad teeth, nappy hair, ugLy face, they are dusty, cant dress, etc. You get where im comin from right.? Have you ever heard a handsome guy with confidence and swag say "Oh you 16.? You know age aint nothing but a number.?" Or a woman with her shit 2gthr and thats in her right mind. N0.! WeLL at Least i havnt. its onLy the ones in the categories i Listed.
AaLiyah made a song abt it & was messin w. R.keLLy. Didnt he catch a court case for messing w. underaged girLs.? Im just sayin.! Then he got hit w. a court case. Pretty Ricky made a song abt it. Then their members showed homosexuaL tendencies(spectacuLar). Hmmm makes you wonder doesn't it.?
PersonaLLy age is more than just a number. You shouLd stick to a certain bracket. If your 50 years oLd don't get a man thats the same age as your 25 year oLd son. If your a man thats 35 dont fuckin prowL on girLs who just got hair on their cho cha's.! Its onLy right.!
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