


it was one yr ago yesterday tht i Laid my eyes on this LiL 5'7 hottie at the 10-8 bLock day. baby had N0 shirt on w. some bLack dickie shorts nd a bLack hat...w. a GANG 0F TATS. he was hoLdin the cutest LiL pie face baby i had ever seen. i asked abt him. "who is he.?" nd the response was aLways the same..."thts the bro." or "thts my baby bro". cuLd somebody fiLl me in on the detaiLs.? i mean DAMN.! i had to get at him. i kept my eye on him the whoLe time. peekin up 4rm my book. taLkin to geo nd Lookin 4rm the corner of my eye. pretending to stare off in space whiLe i Looked at how cute he was...nd then he did it. he Looked at me nd smiLed. nd how pretty of a smiLe. WH0 IS THT.? "who, my baby bro.? oh thts coco." i thought to myseLf "shit another reason to L0Ve chocoL8." . . . 2 be continued

What's In A Name.?

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose / By any other name would smell as sweet"
- WiLLiam Shakespeare


New Hotness.

So i heard this song a whiLe back nd i onLy knew a seLect amount of words. but i L0Ved the heLL outta tht song. so i decided to research it. come to find out it was by a chick named MeLanie Fiona nd the song was "Give It To Me Right". yu know me once i hear something i Lik its a wrap. i youtubed nd googLed this chick nd i discovered she is REAL. i fucks w. her. i Lik her sound nd wht her songs are abt. i'd definiteLy buy her aLbum. a few of her songs are...
  • give it to me right
  • teach him
  • it kiLLs me
  • somebody come get me
she aLso did a few covers of other artists songs tht are H0T. dnt beLieve me. jus Listen for yurseLf. i mean...why wuLd i Lie.?

This Is Me.

i'v never been the type to care if i'm weLL Liked or not.
i never was into what everyone eLse did just because the next person was doin it.
i can't say i haven't done my fair share of dirt.
never wiLL you hear or see me be submissive to the mind of ignorance.
i'm human...for the most part.
i cry.
i get attitudes.
i Laugh at the most awkward moments.
i'm a sucker for a pretty smiLe and an intoxicating scent.
on a man that is.
i Look at women. i'm not Lesbian tho.
i confide in a handfuL of ppL that i trust.
i don't have the best reLationships w. my famiLy. i'm okay w. it tho.
 i stiLL L0Ve them...most of the time.
music is my Life.!!!
my ears are oLd and my taste is ecLectic.
 i Lik to dance, eat, fight, cuddLe, be a bitch.
i get scared and sometimes i'm insecure but i'LL never Let you see me sweat.
 this is me at the end of the day.
i'm 100% comfortabLe with who i am, are you.?