i think Beauty was her name. maybe not but that's what she was to me. a Beauty. from her warming smile that sent a tingle thru me to her big brown eyes. eyes that spoke words her soft and perfect Lips didn't. face of an angeL. the body of a goddess.! Beauty was her name. it had to be.! how couLd it N0T be her name.? i want to do things with her. oh no. not things between the sheets...though i wouLdn't mind that. i wouLd L0Ve to spend a day or two in her presence because she's so cooL. personaLity just as beautifuL as her face. the face i can't seem to get off my mind. Beauty is her name.! i just can't muster up the right words to teLL her. how wiLL she Look at me.? if onLy Beauty couLd read minds. i'd Let her read my every thought. . .weLL N0T every thought ;-). seriousLy i have to find the words to say that i wouLd Like to get to know her better. to get the chance to make her Laugh just to see that smiLe that amazes me so much. Beauty is her name. one day i'LL Let Beauty know about these feeLings that i hide. untiL then im going to admire her from a distance. my LittLe fantasy. and Beauty is her name.!