
I watch Cartoons

Hi. My name is Ursula and I'm a 21 year old cartoon watcher. (in Unison: Hi Ursula). Seriously though I love cartoons. Not all of them but I have my handful of favorites that I get lost in. I loooove Phineas & Ferb. That has to be my favorite cartoon right now. I've seen dang near every episode like twice already. I know people who act like they are too "grown" for cartoons. Or that they are too old for cartoons but that's them. I'm such a kid at heart. I like watching the Disney Channel with my 8year old niece & 9 year old nephew. We may pop popcorn & eat junk & watch all sorts of kid friendly movies. That doesn't make me childish. In my opinion it makes my taste more eclectic. I can hold a conversation with a four-year old on what they find interesting as well as a 44 year old.

Some of my favorite cartoons include:
Baby Looney Tunes
Phineas & Ferb
The Smurfs
The Snorks
The Little Mermaid
Scooby Doo
A Pup Named Scooby Doo
Family Guy
The Boondocks
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