
The Baby Mama

i feel inspired by a friend of mine named Stone B. (check her out http://www.stoneybeespeaksout.blogspot.com/)

We all know one. or two. The female who bitches, complains, and can't let go. This is also know as "The Baby Mama".

Baby Mama - one who has a baby with a man. the mother of one's offspring. "a bitch i slipped up and popped a baby in"

The Baby Mama is usually a character that brings drama to one's life. They are loud, ghetto, money hungry, and triflin'. They are know for neck rollin, eye rollin, teeth smackin, finger pointin, using profane language, and much much more.

My question is why.? Why go through making yourself look like an ass. All that man is doing is talkin about you with his friends. How stupid you are.!? How he can't stand you. How he fucked your friend/sister/cousin/arch enemy/etc. He probly has two or three girls that he is fuckin with and your the dumb fuck thats willing to fight over him. Why.!? He's fucking you over yet your making an ass of yourself because of him. You chose to have a baby by sir-dogs-alot. You probably knew he wasnt shit when you pushed them legs back and let him raw dog you. Now you look stupid because he doesn't want to play the happy family role. Silly you my girl. Have you filed child support or you gettin 20 and 40 dollars here and there? Have you ever considered that maybe you should stop allowing him to vist your lust tunnel? Oh of course not because your tryin to keep someone who doesn't want to be kept . . .well by you that is. Maybe you should try tending to your child instead of scheming on him. Maybe if you loved yourself you would realize he isn't worth your time and energy. There's probably a nice guy in your life that you over look because you're so stuck on "yo baby's daddy". Please get over this man. He isnt worth it. So the next time you decide to go to his job and cause a ruckus think twice. If he loses his job because you are showin your ass you won't get that 20 or 30 dollars because he'll be unemployed.

But wait. Let's not get the so under appreciated "Single Mother" confused. They handle their business for them  and their children without any help from any man. They work 9-5, off days, and over time to make sure their kids never need. They don't cause scenes. They don't look to a man to give them. They don't try to fight everyone who comes in contact with their sorry ass baby daddies. They grind hard. Big ups to them.




it was one yr ago yesterday tht i Laid my eyes on this LiL 5'7 hottie at the 10-8 bLock day. baby had N0 shirt on w. some bLack dickie shorts nd a bLack hat...w. a GANG 0F TATS. he was hoLdin the cutest LiL pie face baby i had ever seen. i asked abt him. "who is he.?" nd the response was aLways the same..."thts the bro." or "thts my baby bro". cuLd somebody fiLl me in on the detaiLs.? i mean DAMN.! i had to get at him. i kept my eye on him the whoLe time. peekin up 4rm my book. taLkin to geo nd Lookin 4rm the corner of my eye. pretending to stare off in space whiLe i Looked at how cute he was...nd then he did it. he Looked at me nd smiLed. nd how pretty of a smiLe. WH0 IS THT.? "who, my baby bro.? oh thts coco." i thought to myseLf "shit another reason to L0Ve chocoL8." . . . 2 be continued

What's In A Name.?

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose / By any other name would smell as sweet"
- WiLLiam Shakespeare


New Hotness.

So i heard this song a whiLe back nd i onLy knew a seLect amount of words. but i L0Ved the heLL outta tht song. so i decided to research it. come to find out it was by a chick named MeLanie Fiona nd the song was "Give It To Me Right". yu know me once i hear something i Lik its a wrap. i youtubed nd googLed this chick nd i discovered she is REAL. i fucks w. her. i Lik her sound nd wht her songs are abt. i'd definiteLy buy her aLbum. a few of her songs are...
  • give it to me right
  • teach him
  • it kiLLs me
  • somebody come get me
she aLso did a few covers of other artists songs tht are H0T. dnt beLieve me. jus Listen for yurseLf. i mean...why wuLd i Lie.?

This Is Me.

i'v never been the type to care if i'm weLL Liked or not.
i never was into what everyone eLse did just because the next person was doin it.
i can't say i haven't done my fair share of dirt.
never wiLL you hear or see me be submissive to the mind of ignorance.
i'm human...for the most part.
i cry.
i get attitudes.
i Laugh at the most awkward moments.
i'm a sucker for a pretty smiLe and an intoxicating scent.
on a man that is.
i Look at women. i'm not Lesbian tho.
i confide in a handfuL of ppL that i trust.
i don't have the best reLationships w. my famiLy. i'm okay w. it tho.
 i stiLL L0Ve them...most of the time.
music is my Life.!!!
my ears are oLd and my taste is ecLectic.
 i Lik to dance, eat, fight, cuddLe, be a bitch.
i get scared and sometimes i'm insecure but i'LL never Let you see me sweat.
 this is me at the end of the day.
i'm 100% comfortabLe with who i am, are you.?


Fine Specimen

why.? why.? why.?
is Trey Songz so damn fine.?
he makes me wanna
go out nd buy some
PoLo RaLph Lauren
boxer briefs.!
Lord knows i L0Ves
a man in boxer briefs.
pLus he's tatted.
im in L0Ve.
enough sed.!!!


Beauty Was Her Name

i think Beauty was her name. maybe not but that's what she was to me. a Beauty. from her warming smile that sent a tingle thru me to her big brown eyes. eyes that spoke words her soft and perfect Lips didn't. face of an angeL. the body of a goddess.! Beauty was her name. it had to be.! how couLd it N0T be her name.? i want to do things with her. oh no. not things between the sheets...though i wouLdn't mind that. i wouLd L0Ve to spend a day or two in her presence because she's so cooL. personaLity just as beautifuL as her face. the face i can't seem to get off my mind. Beauty is her name.! i just can't muster up the right words to teLL her. how wiLL she Look at me.? if onLy Beauty couLd read minds. i'd Let her read my every thought. . .weLL N0T every thought ;-). seriousLy i have to find the words to say that i wouLd Like to get to know her better. to get the chance to make her Laugh just to see that smiLe that amazes me so much. Beauty is her name. one day i'LL Let Beauty know about these feeLings that i hide. untiL then im going to admire her from a distance. my LittLe fantasy. and Beauty is her name.!

=) Saucy Mc.Rude =)



the way he touches me w. hands so smoothLy. it reminds me of how the meLody soothes me. jus Lik the tune of a hot new song. put me nd him on repLay aLL night Long. banging Lik the bass beat. bouncing to the hi-hat. rockin to his rhythm. damn how he know i L0Ve tht.? coLLaborating in such a perfect harmony him nd i, i nd he. jus Lik the Lyrics of my favorite song. i think tht he nd i beLong.

x_i L0Ve the musik


dying L0Ve

= ! = Dying L0Ve = ! =
bLack hat w. a nice bLack dress.
3 bLack roses Lay my L0Ve to rest.
being 2gthr the worLd did detest.
on this day i Lay my roses on my L0Ve.
Lay my L0Ve to rest.

bLack suit w. a nice bLack tie.
3 bLack tears 4rm his bLack eyes.
one L0Ve forever despised.
pastor say one Last prayer for my L0Ve.
hey L0Ve no more sad cries.

bLack hat w. a nice bLack dress.
bLack suit w. a nice bLack tie.
bLack roses putting bLack L0Ve to rest.
bLack tears being heLd 4rm bLack eyes.
getting it off my heart. Laying bLack L0Ve to rest.!



Confessions of a Broken Hearted GirL Entry #1 - For You Were Not There

Last night i cried myseLf to sLeep because you were not there. i tossed and turn and yearned for you to be by my side. to feeL your touch. to smeLL your scent. thats aLL i needed to soothe me. i thought i heard you in the haLL yet when i jumped up and caLLed out "baby is that you.?" you didn't respond. fore you were not there.

today i waited for you to come home. i sat on the step with my head in my hands untiL you came. 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour and you stiLL hadn't showed up. a deep sigh of disgust. then it cLicked. maybe you were aLready in the house taking a nap. so i knocked. and i knocked. and i knocked. then i caLLed. no answer. i rapped on the door. yeLLing your name and the door never swung open. for you were not there.

another night and another day. another and another. did you go on vacation and didn't teLL me.? oh "maybe your at your moms" i thought aLoud. suddenLy a Light buLb went off. i knew why you were not answering me. why you kept standing me up. why you never came around anymore and why you were not there.

i cried. oh how i cried. in fact, im crying right now. i reaLized that you wiLL never be there when i caLL you anymore. i shouLd stop expecting you from now on. no more thinking that your there because you won't be....physicaLLy. aLL i can ask is that daddy you watch over me.
confessions of a broken hearted girL



okay. i h8 wen girLs bLame their fouL ass moods on their freaking menstruaL cycLes. ( for those of yu men tht dnt know...thts their PERi0D) Lik yu fLip out nd say dumb shit to a guy nd then reaLize yu fucked up nd the 1st thing out of yur mouth is "im sorry. im so emotionaL. its bkuz im on my period.!" BiTCH quit Lyin.! yu knew yu fucked around nd sed some crazy shit to a nigga.! yu knew he was gon fuck around nd do some shit or say something tht yu knew yu cuLdnt handLe.! booooy i teLL yu. yu need to quit bLamin tht shit on yur monthLy. yu give niggas a right away to say "yu must be on yo period" wen yu cop an attitude or yu N0T in the mood. 0WN UP T0 BEIN A BITCH S0METIMES.! sheeeeeeesh. its in a womans nature to be bitchy sometimes. jus dnt say tht the bLoody drip is the cause.

Men. yu need to stop sayin tht the reason we mad. N0.!!! sometimes we get tired of yur asses nd we wanna be Left the fuck aLone. i know sometimes i jus wanna be in my own LiL worLd. chiLLin. N0T deaLin w. nobody nd here yu cLusterfucks come ndbother a girL. damn Leave ME BE. it aint nothing personaL...it jus get Lik tht sometimes yu dig me.? the period is N0T the cause of every mood swings. sometimes it be yo weak ass sex game.! or yur ridicuLous habits tht she cnt stand but nvr say nothing abt.! the List goes on nd on nd on.!!!

in cLosing i'd jus Lik to say. stop using the menstruaL cycLe aka the period for excuses. the onLy one it shuLd be used for is "WE CNT HAVE SEX.!" . . . oh nd i cnt go swimming/to the beach.

=) Saucy Mc.Rude =)

Age Aint Nothing But A Number

" Age aint nothing but a number

"Age aint nothing but a number.!" A phrase we've heard time and time again. when i thinak of it i Laugh. Is it me or oLd men, young boys, fast ass girLs, and oLd LoneLy women use that phrase.? Most of the time the ppL from those categories are ugLy or have some kind of obvious fauLt. For example; bad teeth, nappy hair, ugLy face, they are dusty, cant dress, etc. You get where im comin from right.? Have you ever heard a handsome guy with confidence and swag say "Oh you 16.? You know age aint nothing but a number.?" Or a woman with her shit 2gthr and thats in her right mind. N0.! WeLL at Least i havnt. its onLy the ones in the categories i Listed.

AaLiyah made a song abt it & was messin w. R.keLLy. Didnt he catch a court case for messing w. underaged girLs.? Im just sayin.! Then he got hit w. a court case. Pretty Ricky made a song abt it. Then their members showed homosexuaL tendencies(spectacuLar). Hmmm makes you wonder doesn't it.?

PersonaLLy age is more than just a number. You shouLd stick to a certain bracket. If your 50 years oLd don't get a man thats the same age as your 25 year oLd son. If your a man thats 35 dont fuckin prowL on girLs who just got hair on their cho cha's.! Its onLy right.!


The New Fad

Pregnancy is the new fad.?

i must have missed the memo. Like seriousLy everyone is turning up pregnant. wtf is wrong w. these girLs.? why yu wanna go nd do tht now L0Ve.? to keep tht guy.? psshhh. most of the new parents aint even 2gthr.! i h8 goin to babyshowers. heLL i h8 kids. i h8 whiney bitches compLain abt this and tht...shuuut uuup. yu shuLdnt have foLLowed the trend. DUUUh.! LoL its a few exceptions...Lik my gf. but aLL the other bird brains is out here bein singLe parents bkuz they were tryin to keep tht N0 G00D ASS NiGGA. HA.! thts wht the fuck they get. psshhh wen i turn up w a prego ego it 4 damn sure wnt be to trap a LiL boy. i hope by tht time the trend is over.!!!

The DST.

okay this one is a tad bit...expLicit...

i was having a conversation with one of my favorite guys. we were taLkin abt sex. (nothing new) and he was so caLLed "schooLin" me on guys and sex. one area in particuLar. this is funny to me. he teLLs me "if you gonna suck d*** and pLay wit a n****s b***s then be carefuL. s*** them joints are so sensitive." this was jus funny to me. he proceed to say "a girL knows if she can suck on my b***s if she passes the 'd*** suckin test'"

now for those of you who are Like me and never knew what that was i'LL expLain. its the test to see if yur canines aka yur fangs scratch a guys penis wen yu are oraLLy pLeasing him. if yu do N0T then its a go to suck on his b***s.

remember b4 yu decide to suck a man testicLes yu'd better pass tht test. if N0T consequences may occur. such as...
  • being punched in the forehead.
  • being caLLed out of yur name
  • being denied sex
  • no return phone caLLs
  • he may fuck one of yur friends faces.
so do be carefuL.


FeeLing Lik BLaH.!

have yu ever jus feLt Lik...b La H.!? Lik yur N0T quite happy. yur N0T quite sad. yur jus. . .b La H. LoL thts how i feeL right now. i h8 this feeLin. i dnt know wht to do w. myseLf. im sure most of us hav. yu start to do somethin but haLfway thru yur Lik "this aint even wht i wanna do." shit is crazy man. i wanna be w. someone but then again i dnt. b La H is unsure state. a state of uncertainty. i dnt even know if thts wht i wanted to say but oh weLL no backspacin for this. this is Lik my rawest post right now. LoL. im N0T even reaLLy Laughin.! aint tht craaazy.? i guess so. weLL...im gonna be b La h untiL it fades away.!

A TimeLess Beauty #1

Janet Damit Jo Jackson... What a beauty.! For years
Janet has been a musicaL icon. With hit after hit...
Janet has made a name for herseLf. How can you
deny those Lips and Legs.? She is one of the few
women in the ceLebrity worLd that is stiLL fine
after so many years. beg to differ.?


you say i don`t taLk to you,
and i say i feeL distant frm you
a min. feeLs Like forever ; so imagine this,
missing the way we Love, the way we cuddLe
and most of aLL the way we kiss
tired of waiting, tired of trying
taLking gets me nowhere
esp. w| my thgts && dreams of wantn yu here
"in due time" is who i aLways depend on
restLess i find myseLf trying to stay strong
for this is onLy "temporary"
feeLing more Like its contrary
to us being together
so untiL we meet again i`LL be stuck under this
weather . . . .
written by: Shanesha T. Menzies.

i Think He Likes Me.!

Technology feels like the only way I can stare her in the eyes without
blushing, the beauty within makes me want her more... The way she
presents herself... I can't help but adore. Her devilish smile, her
sassy attitude, her knowledge within, sometimes I can't comprehend, but
then again, I'll never win. I'll just keep doin the best I can do, 2
express how much she really means 2 me... The love I have 4 u... And if
I were 2 die 2night, or we get into some sort of a fight, I wouldn't
want this 2 go unread, so make sure u read this, right b4 u rest ur
head... God's willin I'll still be alive, I just hope u know, I'll
always be there 4 u, 2 dry ur teary eyes... Through the good and the
bad, stormy weathers and all.. I'll be there 2 catch u when u fall... I
thank God everyday that "u" are in my life, not sure the reason, but
I'll be here with u 4 many seasons... Ok so now I'm gettin tired of
typing so in conclusion, I'll continue 2 be ur "lame" and u will be my
By Matthew


1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses On And Point A
Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down... 
2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice! 
3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, Ask If They Want Fries
With That?

4. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks . Once Everyone Has Gotten
Over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch To Espresso.

5. In The Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write ' For Marijuana '.
6. Skip Down The Hall Rather Than Walk, And See How Many Looks You

7. Order A Diet Water Whenever You Go Out To Eat, With A Serious Face. 
8. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is 'To Go'.
9. Sing Along At The Opera.
10 Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends You Can't Attend Their Party
Because YouHave A Headache. 

11 When The Money Comes Out Of The ATM, Scream 'I Won! I Won!' 
12 When Leaving The Zoo, Start Running Towards The Parking Lot,
Yelling 'Run For Your Lives! They're Loose!'

13. Tell Your Children Over Dinner, 'Due To The Economy, We Are Going To
Have To Let One Of You Go.'


I'm So Trey.!

aLL of yaLL know how i feeL about Mr. Songz...I L0Ve him and his music. There isn't one song that he has put out that i dont Like. i wiLL argue anyone down about this mans vocaL taLents. dont beLieve me...? TRY me. in my opinion he is underrated. he doesn't get enough props. he's been out for a coooooL minute and his fan base has just now expanded. he's just now getting the recognition that he shouLd have been getting.! yu ppL are bananas. Guess yu dnt know reaL taLent at 1st sight. psshhh. i suppose but...im so trey.!!!

A Few Bangers.!!!
  • pLay house
  • Last time
  • store run
  • onLy girL
  • i don't Love you
  • sticky face
  • aLLthe ifs
  • your behind
  • cheat on you
  • ego (cover)
  • in the middLe
  • infideLity
  • scratchin' me up

  • wonder woman

  • can't heLp but wait

  • brand new

  • missin you

  • i gotta go

  • grub on

  • roLe pLay

  • we shouLd be
and many many more. yaLL do me a favor and get on ya trey Loves. its songz...YEEEUUUP.!!!

Girl Tonite (Featuring Trey Songz) (video) BET version Amended Album Version audio - Big D


Run This Town.!

maaaan yaLL know i L0Ves me some Jay-Z.!!!
i aLmost passed out wen i seen this video.!
sorry it took so Long to put this up.! shame on me.!!!
im sick of the taLks of ppL who a Jay h8r. Anybody tht dnt Lik Jay-Z and yu reading this...suck it easy nd swaLLow the evidence.!!!

by the waaay rihanna is such a BAD bitch in this video.
i ddnt care wht nobody says she fine as fuck.! Pi-Y0W (Pi-Y0W courtesy of Ryan Cityboy Love. check him out)
Amber "B0MB ASS" Rose was on the set Lookin good.!!!

Its The R0C Baby.! R0CNATi0N.!!!


Love, Peace, War

Those who cnt find Love in peace; find it in war.
cLearLy from Kemonte's status.



This quote was such a kiLLer to me.
i forgot where it had initiaLLy come
from but it stuck w. me...

humanity i Love you because when you're hard up you pawn your inteLLigence to buy a drink.

You Don't Know Me

you don't know me and what I`ve been through.
nor what I`ve been through.
have you seen what I`ve seen.?
felt what I`ve felt.?
done what I`ve done.?
probably not.!
as a matter of fact i know you haven't.
don't judge me.
I've learned from mistakes.
I`ve tripped.
I`ve stumbled.
I have more things to learn
and more room for change.
in due time it will get done but for now. . .
 I Live.

the most annoying things

s0o0o0oo... me nd BiLLy Bad Ass were taLkin Last night abt things tht annoy us the most nd this is the stuff tht jus fLuff our feathers.!!! (LoL i sound Lik an oLd person)

wen ppL get on their significant others aways nd hav them Looong ass msg sayin absoLuteLy nothing.! hows abt yu shut the fuck up. yu taLkin shit as if ppL care. "oh this is 'such and such' on ma babes aways say fuhk u h8r azz niggaz nd raachet azz bitches...bLah bLah bLah we gon be 2gthr ALWAYz nd 4EVER"....next week they're broken up.! get over it.!

i h8 wen ppL type Lik this -------> MaN tOdAy WaS a GoOd DaY. or Lik this -------> iim soo tiired oof myy niiggaa & hiiss bullshiit. buut fuucc iit iim goon doo mee liikee ayyeee.!

pLz knock it the fuck off.!

i h8 wen guys say "fuck bitches.! get money.! m.o.e.!' buuuut then they turn around nd saaay "i wish i had a girL to kick it wit. man i need a lady. bLahzay bLahzaaay" Lik nigga make up yur mind. nd quit fkn w. bitches nd get yu a woman or a Lady.! duh. tht be the same nigga tht ask yu to hoLd 30$ untiL wenever. LmFa0 oh yea yu'z a reaL rich nigga aLright.!

when chiLdish coupLes bLow up a break up or frequent break-ups for tht matter sooOOo HUGE . . . whn they know they`re gonna gt back 2gthr :-\. . . >:o dnt call me txt me deLete ma #. . .fuck yu i hate yu . .bLahbLah. .telln they friends "im cool on him/her" n thn they Lovey dovey tha nxt week or two :-!
whn certain "speciaL beings" feeL the need to act out of desire for attention. Whether writing certain shxt in aways thnkng they`re intimidating someone whn they`re far frm wat they tLk thmseLves up to be ! .. or acting out in pubLic thnkng that is they speak a certain way && carry thmseLves in a certain manner othrs wiLL b intimidated . . .whn they Look fooLish n its sad they feeL the need to do so to buiLd seLf -confidence .
chicks who tLk that taLk & are nowhr near that waLk. the kind that dont evn wear tha knock off gucci or gt they hair done.. they post up n sweats beaters/tees etc. ALL THA TIME. . but yet u oso "bomb" n ain`t nobody on your LeveL. The kind tht has ABSOlUTELy NOTHING to show for it
ppL who " got it but don`t know how to act with it " . .. . dudes w money . . .feeLing the need to express thmseLves via fLossin` .. .. . I undrstnd ur happy u got $. .. .but now tht u up thr can u chiLL n kick back Like 1ne ? its obvious tht ur a rookie n those r the main maLes tht attract femaLes w materiaL thngs && turn arnd n tLk abt how much they hate goLd diggers ! .. YOU decided to portray tht image baLLer boy
niggas nd bitches who brag abt they sex Lik its jus to die for buuut wen it comes down to it they cnt hang worth a damn. a few humps nd a few drags then its Limp as a cooked spaghetti noodLe. booooy get yo stamina up Lik reeeeaL shit.!
Lets N0T forget the nigga tht say they h8 a vertain type of girL yet yu stiLL fkn w. tht certain type of girL.! uMmMmM upgrade my nigga, upgrade. nd if N0T shut the fuck up.! cLearLy yu aint the type to attract another type of femaLe.!!! get over yurseLf nd stop bLaming the girL wen its reaLLy yu.!
when maLes feeL the need to front in front of their boys Like they dont Love/Like a chick they`re invoLved with. . .n mke the situation seem Like its reaLLy ntn heont sweat it. . but yet whispern sweet nothings to the chick n teLL`n her the compLete opp.
girLs who gang bang. N00000000000T cute. N0T cute at aLL bro. Lik yu think bein at risk to get shot, jumped, raped (bkuz yur a femaLe), stabbed, kiLLed, etc is okay.? stay away from me LiL Lady.! stay away from me.!
ppl who feeL the need to create Lie after Lie . . . buiLding up a faLse persona just to feeL accepted ,, bcuz they arent comfortabLe w thmseLves -obviousLy- . . .be yourseLf ! Wat matters is how u feeL abt urseLf NOT wat othrs thnk of you
ppL who say 'there's no such thing as a dumb question'. yur a fkn Liar.! yes there is.! thts the dumbest statement known to man.!
uMmMmM guys who supposed to be grown men...but yu typin Lik... cuhkz. nd Lmnhckao nd aLL kind of other stuff. f.y.i. reaL grown men dnt do tht honey. im jus tryna teLL yu tho bro.!

type of L0Ve by Shihan

i want a L0Ve Lik me thinkin of yu thinkin of me type L0Ve. or me teLLing my friends more than i've ever admitted to myseLf abt how i feeL abt yu type L0Ve. or h8ng how jeaLous yu are but L0Ving how much yu want me to yurseLf type L0Ve. or seein how yur 1st name jus sounds so good nxt to my Last name. shit i wanna see how Long i cuLd go w.out caLLing yu nd i bareLy got out of my garage. i want a L0Ve tht makes me w8 untiL she faLLs asLeep then wonders if shes dreaming abt us being in L0Ve type L0Ve. or who L0Ves the other more. or wht shes doing at this exact moment or sLow dancing in the middLe of our apartment to the music of our hearts cLosing my eyes nd imagining how a L0Ve so good can jus hurt so much wen she is N0T there. shit L0Ve N0T knowing where this L0Ve is headed type L0Ve. i wanna pLace those LittLe post it notes aLL around the house so she doesnt 4get how much i L0Ve her type L0Ve. nd N0T hav enough ink in my pen to write aLL there is to L0Ve abt her type L0Ve. i want to make her feeL as good as she makes me feeL. nd i want to deaL w. my friends makin fun of me the way i made fun of them wen they thru the same kinda L0Ve type L0Ve the onLy difference is this is one of those reaL L0Ve type L0Ves nd jus Lik in high schooL i want to spend hrs on the phone N0T saying shit nd then faLL asLeep nd then wake up w. her right nxt to me nd smeLL her aLL up in my covers type L0Ve. i wanna try counting aLL the ways tht i L0Ve herthen Lose count in the middLe so i can start aLL over again. nd i wanna ceLebrate one of those 1 mnth anniversaries even tho it aint reaLLy aint an anniversary but doin it jus cuz it makes her happy type L0Ve. nd check this i wanna faLL in L0Ve w. the meLody the phone pLays wen her number is diaLed into it type L0Ve. nd uh taLk to yu tiL i L0SE my breath she Leaves me breathLess but w. the expanding my Lungs i inhaLe aLL of her back into me. i wanna a L0Ve tht makes me need to change my ceLL phone caLLin pLan to something tht aLLows me to taLk to her Longer cuz in aLL honesty i wanna avoid one of those high ceLL phone biLL type L0Ve. i want a L0Ve tht makes me regret how smaLL my hands are i mean the Lines on my paLms dnt give me enough time to L0Ve yu type L0Ve. nd i want a L0Ve tht makes me jus stu stu studder jus think abt how strong this L0Ve is type L0Ve. nd i want a L0Ve tht make me want to cut off aLL of my hair...weLL maybe N0T aLL of my hair...maybe jus cLip the spLit ends nd cut my mustache but it wiLL stiLL be a symboL of how strong my L0Ve is for her. i kinda feeL comfortabLe now. so i even fantasize abt waLkin out on a green Light jus dying to get hit by a car jus so i can Lose my memory get transported to some 3rd worLd country jus to get treated then somehow meet up again w. yu so i can faLL in L0Ve w. yu in a different Language to see if it stiLL feeLs the same type L0Ve. i want a L0Ve tht is as unexpLainabLe as she is...but im married so she's gonna be the one i share this L0Ve w.!


The Best Friend

his heart is beating out of his chest as his eyes foLLow her frame as she dances to the crooning of ne-yo. winding nd grinding her hips to the beat she sings aLong adding her own twist. "yur body's whispering 4rm under the sheets...". her cry matches her cadaver. heavenLy. w. her red stiLetto on she cLimbs up on the bed to continue her dance. mesmerized by her movement his mouth hangs open in awe. Left. right. right. Left. she moves so smoothLy. undressing herseLf as she goes. first the bLack Laced bra w. the red trim. he gives a LittLe giggLe. not as if to Laugh at her but to show his excitement. he can feeL his Lovestick begin to stiffen in his pants. nxt she uncLips the red hair pin tht kept her fLowing hair pinned up. giving it a LittLe shake, she shoots him a seductive smiLe nd he returns it. oh no the song goes off. yet bobby vaLentino's "tabLe dance" comes on. ♪ wht yu wanna do.? wht yu wanna do.? i jus want a tabLe daaance. ♫ beLts 4rm the surround sound. now she's moving as if she worked in the Pink PaLace. curious to see whts underneath the sexy LittLe bLack Laced boyshorts w. the red trims he gives them a tug. she pops his hand nd bends down to face him. "No, No, No," she sez, "be patient." then kisses him ever so softLy on the foLd of his mouth. tht did it. now his member was at fuLL attention. she continue to work her Limbs. bending over nd caressing her precious gem. then giving a wiggLe of her rotund posterior. nxt thing yu know she dips. he Loses his mind. he gives the mound on her backside a smack. a Low moan escaped her gorgeousLy gLossed Lips. she dips down to sit on his Lap. instantaneousLy she is jostLed by Lust stick. she grinds hard against his Lap as he grips her hip. she turns around w. her back to him nd proceeds to dance exoticaLLy. at his breaking point he Lifts her up. they begin to heaviLy oscuLate. their tongues intertwined as their fLesh got hot. he Laid her body on the satin sheets. sLowLy he removed the bLack Laced boyshorts w. the red trim w. his teeth. she raised her hips to heLp his attempt to remove them. once removed he began kissing the tips of her toes nd making his way down her Leg. stopping to acknowLedge a birthmark on her Left shin. circLing it w. his thick tongue he feLt her excitement grow. he continued up her Long Limb. right b4 he reached her diamond he did the same to the other Leg. teasing her by biting her heated fLesh she squirmed nd moaned. finaLLy he reach her pLeasure cave. he gave her a deviLishLy handsome grin nd began to fLick his tongue on her pearL. she whined w. deLight. her cave had reLeased a fLood gate nd he soaked up every drop w. the beast imprisoned by his pearLy white teeth. she feLt defeated. she then Layed him on his back nd kissed him intenseLy. tasting her own Love juice onLy aroused her more. the oscuLation onLy got heavier. they rubbed on each other as if there was no 2mrw. the Lip Lock was broken wen she made a traiL down his niceLy shaped torso w. her moist tongue. over his firm abs. his excitement onLy increased. he pLaced one of his gigantic hands on the peak of her head nd pushed it downward to his erect fLesh sword. he was met by no resistance. she made her way down nd went to work. 1st kissing the tip. she feLt him give a sLight shudder. sLowLy she took him into her mouth. saLivating on his member, she took him in deeper nd deeper. his groans increased in voLume as she used one hand on his Love stick nd the other to caress his sack. he pushed the back of her head hard. up nd down. up nd down. faster nd faster untiL he pushed one Last time. she taste the product of his Lust in her mouth. w. a Lick of the Lips she got rid of the evidence. astound at her actions he was erect again. he puLLed her on top of him nd they began to kiss again. she reached down beneath her nd stroked his candy cane. hard as granite again he was. she sLides sLowLy down his man poLe nd Let out a sigh as she reach the bottom. he got pLeasure 4rm her pain. he thrust his hips upward in an attempt to reach he Lungs. she foLLowed his Lead nd began to bounce. they both squeaLed w. gLee. picking up speed nd tuning out everything. he feLt her Love cLam squeezing at him. no Longer cuLd he take it. fight hard to hoLd back his expLosion he bit his Lip. "im abt to cum.!" she yeLLed. "me too, baby.! me too.!," he fired back. at tht moment a shadow appeared in the doorway.....as they peaked the figure stepped into the candLe Light room. " yu bitch.! how cuLd yu fuck my best friend.!?". . . . . . . to be continued


At a Loss for Words

my knowLedge of the engLish vernacuLar wiLL not aLLow me to convey these feeLings that i have for you. i get tongue tied w. butterfLies and studders whiLe tryna hide...the bLush of my cheeks. in which you see every time you Look at me. ME Looks great next to you. you. you. YOU are the one that makes me want to speak another Language. oh how i promesse de pinky avec un baiser. 0o0o0o0o YOU make ME sound better in french. HA I'm crazy. si estoy Loco para tu. tu. tu oops...i mean YOU make ME do things I've never done. pLus you make me sound better in spanish than in french. french... ... ...MmMmMmM cant think of a word that but it's okay you wont mind the scheme of my rhyme you know, my rhyme scheme. you accept me fLaws and aLL. naw naw. I'm no B. you ain't gotta put a ring on it. just yet that is. see because before the joint bank accounts, the white house, and the kids i need the time to show YOU make ME feeL. i can hoLd off on that recinto di pickett bLanco. see how YOU make ME sound in itaLian.? thats white picket fench. . . .there goes my word that rhymes with french. YOU heLp ME to make sense. since i met YOU i think i'd give my Last few cents to use the sense in which we Love with. see there i go again. aLL discombobuLated. wie aLbern von mir. damn it is that german.? You make ME sound good even in german. boy oh boy now im running out of words and Languages. guess words reaLLy cant describe or come cLose to me defining what i sense for you. Yu....no. no. no. see its Like...thats not it either. i guess my knowLedge of the engLish vernacuLar wiLL not aLLow me to convey these feeLings that i have for you. nor spanish, or itaLian, german or french. . . . guess i'LL Learn more words and Languages.!
the "MAIN"
thing in ones
is to
as much as yu


Living in a worLd where SANiTY is frowned upon. so iNSANiTY i pLead wen i Let my thoughts bLeed onto paper or my sidekick pager. yet wen i do something considered outLandish i get branded a a candid for one who seeks attention. LittLe do they reaLize tht attention is a foe tht i demise nd try to hide from. yu damned if yu do or dnt. if yu wiLL or wnt so w. tht being sed do yu. i do me. Me.? who am i, yu ask.? good question. one who dots her t's nd crosses her i's. fLy in the ocean or swim in the sky. wish yu cuLd do tht too but yu cnt. yu care too much abt wht others think. brainwashed by magazine ads. taking heave to the voice of the miLLion doLLar man versus the common kid. Listen to yur inner common kid. stop tryna Live up to a LifestyLe tht aint yu. tht doesnt fit yur means. yu'LL be much happier.

Proverbs 31:30

Charm is Deceptive, nd Beauty does not Last; but a Woman who fears the Lord wiLL be GreatLy Praised.


Dates in the day time
at a Location where yu peers or whispering eyes wiLL not reveal us.
We enjoy the company
of one another.
I more than yu
for this is onLy but routine for yu.
Discreet gatherings
in which names are not important nd faces are a bLur.
Secret kisses
as we pass by each other in the haLLway.
A tender embrace
upon my heart says this is right.
Yet the reaLity
of mind knows otherwise.
After sLeeping 2gthr;
no not in a sexuaL sense.
In a comforting
manner tht gives off a faLse impression.
Off to a pLace
in which we shaLL dweLL onLy for a moment.
RoLLing around in the sheets
being the ppL no one sees behind cLosed doors.
Clothes strewn across
the fLoor in the resuLt of our Love.
On second thoughts,
our mutuaL feeLing of Lust.
FaLLing asLeep
nvr feLt so good Laying in each others embrace.
Nd jus Lik tht
our time is spent.
We'LL share one
Last kiss nd then part ways.
W. the fresh memory of our encounter...

untiL nxt time.

Luhv Me

Love me in the smiLe of the Sun.
As weLL as the smirk of the Moon.
-U. TapLin


FareweLL Love

i bid a fareweLL to a Love
tht ddnt seem to Love me
nd greet a new.
i tried to pay my Last
respects but w. aLL due
respect yur Love is one
in the books under
my regrets.
so Let the sun rise
on this new Love of
yes it came to me by
i feeL this Love wiLL
nvr demise.
w. tht sed...
im content w. myseLf
i can Love me
Lik nobody eLse.

What a Crowd

Pain nd PLeasure nd Deceit hav aLways dined aLong w. Greed nd Sin. Sin is d8ng Destruction who's cousins w. Hate. Hate has a thing for Love who is the ex of Forever nd rival of Lust.

thts a croweded tabLe.


i am.

i am...

the girL yur mother warned yu abt.

the girL w. the cute smiLe

nd big brown eyes

tht wiLL charm her way into yur



A Night

he touches me most tenderLy nd i cnt heLp but to return the favor. as our bodies intertwine nd his fingers expLore my heated fLesh i cnt heLp but to wince. wince 4rm the pLeasure in which his fingertips bring. sweet are his Lips as they kiss. . .areas most deLicate. soft are his words as they Leave his sweet Lips. i adore the perfectLy chiseLed abs in which beLong to he who i yearn. i begin to shake 4rm the warmth of his deLicious tounge on the inner part of my thigh. heavy breathing fiLLs the room. i see those beautifuL eyes w. tht soft hue peak up at me. ' reLax Lady.' he manages in between each oscuLation on my smooth sienna coLored Legs. as every muscLe in my body unwind, i incLine on the 1000 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets. we're on a journey. a change of position grants me a certain dominance. i feeL in controL as my hips move to a siLent cadence. fast then sLow nd back again. the hands tht work so hard to take care of me grope at my Lower back. the feeL of the trunk Lik arm embrace me tightLy as we traveL to our peak in unison. MmMmMmM. i shudder at the fact tht its over so soon. for my appetite for Lust has not yet been satisfied. as we Lay under my sheets w. articLes of cLothing strewn everywhere he Listens to my hearts continuous meLody. it feeLs so rite yet at the same time so wrong. i doze off onLy to be awaken by the most gentLe kiss. a shower of soft kisses Land aLL over my face nd neck as i caress the back of my Greek god. i can feeL his member join our party in between my thighs as our oscuLation becomes more feverish. he enters my private tunneL nd is met by the abundance of warmth. he made the mistake of Letting his excitement escape his Lips. tht was the cue i foLLowed as a raised my hips to meet him in mid-air. he sped up his pace as he tried to reach a distant pLace inside of me. w. every thrust i countered a thrust. w. every kiss i countered a kiss. b4 Long he was drenched in my Love juices. he was not yet content. neither was i. he sLowLy puLLed out of my tunneL for a brief thirst quenching taste of what i had to offer. quivering began my Legs as he Lapped up my serum. fLicking at my pearL w. his tounge i feLt an expLosion coming as did he. seconds b4 the bang he turned me on my stomach. fLat i Lay as kisses were pLaced on my neck. he worked his way down to my back. circLing a beauty mark in the center of my back tht he aLways adored. a soft moan escaped 4rm my Lips. he smiLed nd continued. Lower nd Lower. he was now at the dip in my back in which a tribaL tattoo resided. outLining it w. his tounge my body jerked xcitefuLLy. w. both of those giant sized hands pLace on the rotund backside of mine he pLaced the most gentLe, soft, nd sensuaL oscuLate i've ever experienced. he then sLowLy entered 4rm the back. his strong hands on my waist forced my hips 2 stay in pLace as he found a certain rhythm to sway his hips to. wen he got the perfect beat he Let his grip ease up so i cuLd match his beat. we made the perfect song. faster nd faster he pummeLed me. i squeaLed in pLeasure. i feLt him shake as he moaned at the top of his Lungs. '0o0o0o0o0oHHHHH.! babe. . . MmMmMmM. . . .' is the sound tht the neighbors heard 4rm my town home. we crowned our Lust 2gther in perfect harmony. he coLLapsed on top of me nd we Lay in my king size bed 2gther reLishing the nites events. b4 Long we were both fast asLeep. as the moon crept out of the room nd the sun assumed its position. the Lite on his smooth mocha skin gave me a sense of comfort yet sadness. for our time was done nd he wuLd hav 2 expLain 2 his wife where he had been. once again i wuLd be aLone.!



so we did it again...
knowin we should quit it
but we simply wont admit it.
it feels good, its so good,
but i wont do it again
your so dramatic again
after we go at it u get mad
and we go at it again
i love it, then i hate it
but he's my favorite, again,
wastin time i cant help
he's so fine,so we fake it again,
i think we're gonna blow it
and we know it
but I'm naked again,
we sit wasted then he taste it
and i wasted it again,
i cant invite him again
cuz he'll go 4rm
a lover to a fighter and I'll fight him again
so its over.!
but i told him to come over.!
wastin time
he's always on my mind
i cant let him go,
no he's not the best
but he's all that i know,
as much as we may try,
we can never see eye 2 eye
so in the meantime
i guess I'll say goodbye.
so i found a new friend
i wish i could 4get you
but i miss you
wanna kiss you again,
he's like you but
he's not you,
gotta find you again..

im jeaLous

I'm jealous of the white collard shirt that hugs your muscular frame. For the simple fact that when I hug you I hate that i have to let go. I get mad at the Blackberry that's permanently attached to your hip that never leaves your side. I swear I want to go a few rounds with that expensive cologne you spray all over you because I'd give my left arm to be in that bottle. Let's not start on football. Ugh. The time you spend with your eyes glued with your undivided attention. Psshhh. One of these nights I'm going to murder your pillow. Why? Because you spend night after night with your soft skin pressed up against it. Oh and the sheets. They feel every inch of you. They know your most intimate secrets. How do think that makes me feel? Like your closer to them than I to you! I hang my head as I sit in the chair that comforts you the most. Then I heard the keys that reside in your pocket. I see you and I smile. I smile because when you come home. . .the shirt and cologne, the sheets, pillows, and phones, not a game nor a chair matter. you come home to me and I get to do all of the the things that those objects do. Yet I do it better because I'm so in love with you!