
type of L0Ve by Shihan

i want a L0Ve Lik me thinkin of yu thinkin of me type L0Ve. or me teLLing my friends more than i've ever admitted to myseLf abt how i feeL abt yu type L0Ve. or h8ng how jeaLous yu are but L0Ving how much yu want me to yurseLf type L0Ve. or seein how yur 1st name jus sounds so good nxt to my Last name. shit i wanna see how Long i cuLd go w.out caLLing yu nd i bareLy got out of my garage. i want a L0Ve tht makes me w8 untiL she faLLs asLeep then wonders if shes dreaming abt us being in L0Ve type L0Ve. or who L0Ves the other more. or wht shes doing at this exact moment or sLow dancing in the middLe of our apartment to the music of our hearts cLosing my eyes nd imagining how a L0Ve so good can jus hurt so much wen she is N0T there. shit L0Ve N0T knowing where this L0Ve is headed type L0Ve. i wanna pLace those LittLe post it notes aLL around the house so she doesnt 4get how much i L0Ve her type L0Ve. nd N0T hav enough ink in my pen to write aLL there is to L0Ve abt her type L0Ve. i want to make her feeL as good as she makes me feeL. nd i want to deaL w. my friends makin fun of me the way i made fun of them wen they thru the same kinda L0Ve type L0Ve the onLy difference is this is one of those reaL L0Ve type L0Ves nd jus Lik in high schooL i want to spend hrs on the phone N0T saying shit nd then faLL asLeep nd then wake up w. her right nxt to me nd smeLL her aLL up in my covers type L0Ve. i wanna try counting aLL the ways tht i L0Ve herthen Lose count in the middLe so i can start aLL over again. nd i wanna ceLebrate one of those 1 mnth anniversaries even tho it aint reaLLy aint an anniversary but doin it jus cuz it makes her happy type L0Ve. nd check this i wanna faLL in L0Ve w. the meLody the phone pLays wen her number is diaLed into it type L0Ve. nd uh taLk to yu tiL i L0SE my breath she Leaves me breathLess but w. the expanding my Lungs i inhaLe aLL of her back into me. i wanna a L0Ve tht makes me need to change my ceLL phone caLLin pLan to something tht aLLows me to taLk to her Longer cuz in aLL honesty i wanna avoid one of those high ceLL phone biLL type L0Ve. i want a L0Ve tht makes me regret how smaLL my hands are i mean the Lines on my paLms dnt give me enough time to L0Ve yu type L0Ve. nd i want a L0Ve tht makes me jus stu stu studder jus think abt how strong this L0Ve is type L0Ve. nd i want a L0Ve tht make me want to cut off aLL of my hair...weLL maybe N0T aLL of my hair...maybe jus cLip the spLit ends nd cut my mustache but it wiLL stiLL be a symboL of how strong my L0Ve is for her. i kinda feeL comfortabLe now. so i even fantasize abt waLkin out on a green Light jus dying to get hit by a car jus so i can Lose my memory get transported to some 3rd worLd country jus to get treated then somehow meet up again w. yu so i can faLL in L0Ve w. yu in a different Language to see if it stiLL feeLs the same type L0Ve. i want a L0Ve tht is as unexpLainabLe as she is...but im married so she's gonna be the one i share this L0Ve w.!

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