
Confessions of a Broken Hearted GirL Entry #1 - For You Were Not There

Last night i cried myseLf to sLeep because you were not there. i tossed and turn and yearned for you to be by my side. to feeL your touch. to smeLL your scent. thats aLL i needed to soothe me. i thought i heard you in the haLL yet when i jumped up and caLLed out "baby is that you.?" you didn't respond. fore you were not there.

today i waited for you to come home. i sat on the step with my head in my hands untiL you came. 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour and you stiLL hadn't showed up. a deep sigh of disgust. then it cLicked. maybe you were aLready in the house taking a nap. so i knocked. and i knocked. and i knocked. then i caLLed. no answer. i rapped on the door. yeLLing your name and the door never swung open. for you were not there.

another night and another day. another and another. did you go on vacation and didn't teLL me.? oh "maybe your at your moms" i thought aLoud. suddenLy a Light buLb went off. i knew why you were not answering me. why you kept standing me up. why you never came around anymore and why you were not there.

i cried. oh how i cried. in fact, im crying right now. i reaLized that you wiLL never be there when i caLL you anymore. i shouLd stop expecting you from now on. no more thinking that your there because you won't be....physicaLLy. aLL i can ask is that daddy you watch over me.
confessions of a broken hearted girL

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