
The Best Friend

his heart is beating out of his chest as his eyes foLLow her frame as she dances to the crooning of ne-yo. winding nd grinding her hips to the beat she sings aLong adding her own twist. "yur body's whispering 4rm under the sheets...". her cry matches her cadaver. heavenLy. w. her red stiLetto on she cLimbs up on the bed to continue her dance. mesmerized by her movement his mouth hangs open in awe. Left. right. right. Left. she moves so smoothLy. undressing herseLf as she goes. first the bLack Laced bra w. the red trim. he gives a LittLe giggLe. not as if to Laugh at her but to show his excitement. he can feeL his Lovestick begin to stiffen in his pants. nxt she uncLips the red hair pin tht kept her fLowing hair pinned up. giving it a LittLe shake, she shoots him a seductive smiLe nd he returns it. oh no the song goes off. yet bobby vaLentino's "tabLe dance" comes on. ♪ wht yu wanna do.? wht yu wanna do.? i jus want a tabLe daaance. ♫ beLts 4rm the surround sound. now she's moving as if she worked in the Pink PaLace. curious to see whts underneath the sexy LittLe bLack Laced boyshorts w. the red trims he gives them a tug. she pops his hand nd bends down to face him. "No, No, No," she sez, "be patient." then kisses him ever so softLy on the foLd of his mouth. tht did it. now his member was at fuLL attention. she continue to work her Limbs. bending over nd caressing her precious gem. then giving a wiggLe of her rotund posterior. nxt thing yu know she dips. he Loses his mind. he gives the mound on her backside a smack. a Low moan escaped her gorgeousLy gLossed Lips. she dips down to sit on his Lap. instantaneousLy she is jostLed by Lust stick. she grinds hard against his Lap as he grips her hip. she turns around w. her back to him nd proceeds to dance exoticaLLy. at his breaking point he Lifts her up. they begin to heaviLy oscuLate. their tongues intertwined as their fLesh got hot. he Laid her body on the satin sheets. sLowLy he removed the bLack Laced boyshorts w. the red trim w. his teeth. she raised her hips to heLp his attempt to remove them. once removed he began kissing the tips of her toes nd making his way down her Leg. stopping to acknowLedge a birthmark on her Left shin. circLing it w. his thick tongue he feLt her excitement grow. he continued up her Long Limb. right b4 he reached her diamond he did the same to the other Leg. teasing her by biting her heated fLesh she squirmed nd moaned. finaLLy he reach her pLeasure cave. he gave her a deviLishLy handsome grin nd began to fLick his tongue on her pearL. she whined w. deLight. her cave had reLeased a fLood gate nd he soaked up every drop w. the beast imprisoned by his pearLy white teeth. she feLt defeated. she then Layed him on his back nd kissed him intenseLy. tasting her own Love juice onLy aroused her more. the oscuLation onLy got heavier. they rubbed on each other as if there was no 2mrw. the Lip Lock was broken wen she made a traiL down his niceLy shaped torso w. her moist tongue. over his firm abs. his excitement onLy increased. he pLaced one of his gigantic hands on the peak of her head nd pushed it downward to his erect fLesh sword. he was met by no resistance. she made her way down nd went to work. 1st kissing the tip. she feLt him give a sLight shudder. sLowLy she took him into her mouth. saLivating on his member, she took him in deeper nd deeper. his groans increased in voLume as she used one hand on his Love stick nd the other to caress his sack. he pushed the back of her head hard. up nd down. up nd down. faster nd faster untiL he pushed one Last time. she taste the product of his Lust in her mouth. w. a Lick of the Lips she got rid of the evidence. astound at her actions he was erect again. he puLLed her on top of him nd they began to kiss again. she reached down beneath her nd stroked his candy cane. hard as granite again he was. she sLides sLowLy down his man poLe nd Let out a sigh as she reach the bottom. he got pLeasure 4rm her pain. he thrust his hips upward in an attempt to reach he Lungs. she foLLowed his Lead nd began to bounce. they both squeaLed w. gLee. picking up speed nd tuning out everything. he feLt her Love cLam squeezing at him. no Longer cuLd he take it. fight hard to hoLd back his expLosion he bit his Lip. "im abt to cum.!" she yeLLed. "me too, baby.! me too.!," he fired back. at tht moment a shadow appeared in the doorway.....as they peaked the figure stepped into the candLe Light room. " yu bitch.! how cuLd yu fuck my best friend.!?". . . . . . . to be continued

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