
Listen To Her Talk

Guys are quick to call women hoes, sluts, bitches, tricks, tramps, ratchets, whores, flips, and the list goes on. How can you say that.? You don't know what she's been through. You don't know what devastating trials & tribulations she's face in her lifetime. I bet if you'd listen to her talk you'd see why she acted like a bitch. Or maybe it'll become more clear as to why she sleeps around. While you think she's hoin she may be internally strggling with personal issues. Maybe she was abandoned & yearns for someone to love her & she misconstrews having sex a sign of love. Did you ever think that from the age of 6 to 14 she was molested by her mother's malicious & perverted boyfriend. Who also made her fondle her little sister. Listen to her talk. That girl that you just called a hoe is or was someone's daughter, sister, aunt, mother, or cousin. Listen to her story. Listen to her pain. Listen to her struggle, her hussle, her survival. Before you down her...listen to her talk.

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