
Power Of Music

Music can elicit so much in a person. You can feel a variety of different emotions in a short amount of time. I, for example, am listening to my ipod as I type. I've been through 13 songs and about 5 different emotions. I've probably been through about 40 different thoughts that just keep changing with the music. That's just what music does to me. I do my best thinking with music going. I read with music. I shower with music. I even sleep with music. Music is everything to me. My first REAL love was music. I loved music before I knew what love was. How did I know. Because I was most happy when the radio came on. I know I'm not the only one who feels that way about music. A lot people feel that way. How do I know this? It's just the power that music has over people. It can control feelings, mood swings, break ups, people getting beat up, love making, fun, etc. Music is a pretty powerful thing. Don't believe me?
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