

Up again. Being sick blows. Still gonna make a wish thooo.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7


  1. mami u be up @ crazy hours u need a man to keep u comfortable at night dats probably dnt get good sleep I wish I could help u out...wait do u have a man?

  2. No. I don't have a man & I don't need a man. I have a snuggie & a long body pillow. If he doesn't fit more than 5 of those qualities then I don't want him. It seems like you always know when I post something. Are you a creep?

  3. Im subscribed to yo shit whenever u post somethin ma I get an email LOL dats a problem? And no im not a creep i just dig yo work & yo thoughts i'll fall back on da comments tho

  4. I see. I was gettin a lil worried like I got a creep on my hands. I appreciate the reads tho. & the comments. Seriously. Just cut the flirting out, yeah? Yeah
